Page 389 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 389

CPS1899 Ira Joy H.M.

                           Investigating drug use among Filipino youth
                                      Ira Joy Hernandez Martin
                                       University of the Philippines

            In this study significant factors associated with drug use among Filipino youth
            were determined and a model was generated to predict the odds of a Filipino
            youth to engage in drug use activity. The data used was from 2013 Young
            Adult  Fertility  and  Sexuality  survey  which  covers  youths  in  the  Philippines
            aging  from  15  to  24  years.  Appropriate  tests  were  applied  to  find  the
            significantly  associated  variables  with  drug  use  and  11  out  of  the  152
            significantly  associated  variables  were  included  in  the  final  binary  logistic
            model where among these categories, the following factors protects a youth
            from using drugs: often attends religious services at least once a week, family
            members frequently or almost always eat together at least one meal a day,
            sees  gambling  as  wrong  activity,  and  life  satisfaction.  While  the  following
            factors increases the risk of a youth in using drugs: single male; married male;
            from  regions  Central  Visayas,  Northern  Mindanao,  Davao  Region,
            SOCCSKSARGEN, and ARMM; from birth up to age 18, 2nd person approves
            having a romantic relationship before age 18; member of a fraternity/sorority;
            had been suspended from attending classes; worked for pay in cash or in kind;
            and  read  pornographic  or  sexually  explicit  books/magazines/tabloids.  The
            results of this study could be used to improve existing policies and programs
            on drug use among youth.

            Odds; binary logistic model; illegal drug use

            1.  Introduction
                One of the most dangerous and destructive risks taken among youths of
            today is the use of drugs. Researches show that youths who engage in drug
            use often have multiple problems, including problems on health, family and
            community, and education and employment.
                The  Demographic  Research  and  Development  Foundation  (DRDF)  and
            University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) reported that one out
            of 25 or 4% among 18,045,895 youth aged 15-24 had used drugs, and this
            number does not include street children where drug use is suspected to be
            more prevalent. Lately, the Philippines face social and even political problems
            arising from rampant use of illegal drugs. In a national effort to curb the heavy

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