Page 392 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 392

CPS1899 Ira Joy H.M.
                  and interpreted in relation to the use of drugs. All analysis will be generated
                  using STATA 13.

                  3.  Result
                      A total of 290 independent variables was tested for association with the
                  dependent  variable,  have  or  have  not  tried  using  drugs,  using  Rao-Scott.
                  Among these tested variables, 152 were significantly associated with drug use.
                  These  variables  are  checked  for  multicollinearity  then  regressed  to  the
                  independent variable.
                      Table 1 shows the coefficients, standard errors, p-values, and odds ratios
                  of the fitted model regressors. There were a total of 16 significant predictors
                  for drug use.

                    Table 1. Estimated coefficients, Odds ratios and p-values in weighted
                          binary logistic model of drug use (Have ever used drugs)
                   Predictors                                      Coefficient    Odds Ratio
                   Single Male                                     1.7028       5.4894
                   Married Male                                    1.9523       7.0449
                   From Region 7                                   1.2486       3.4854
                   From Region 10                                  1.4388       4.2158
                   From Region 11                                  1.8654       6.4586
                   From Region 12                                  0.8888       2.4322
                   From ARMM                                       1.3380       3.8114
                   Often attends religious services (at least once a week)   -0.6080    0.5445
                   From birth up to age 18, 2  person approves having a  0.6342    1.8855
                   bf/gf before age 18
                   Family members frequently or almost always eat   -0.1911     0.8260
                   together at least one meal a day
                   Sees gambling as wrong                          -0.3696      0.6910
                   Rated Satisfied with life, all things considered    -0.2915    0.7471
                   Member of a fraternity/sorority                 1.3429       3.8301
                   Had been suspended from attending classes       0.9211       2.5122
                   Have ever worked for pay, in cash or in kind    0.8068       2.2406
                   Had ever read pornographic or sexually explicit   0.9926     2.6982
                   constant                                        -5.8863      0.0028
                  **base category of the dependent variable: Never used drugs

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