Page 393 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 393

CPS1899 Ira Joy H.M.
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                This study determined the significant factors that affect the independent
            variable from YAFS 4 dataset with the response variable Y = Ever used drugs.
            Out of the 290 variables tested for association, 152 were significant and 11
            variables were included in the final model which fitted adequately. These 11
            variables included 16 categories in the final model, namely: type of respondent
            (single male and married male); regions (Regions 7, 10, 11, 12, and ARMM),
            ”often attends religious services (at least once a week)”; “from birth up to age
            18, 2nd person approves having a boyfriend/girlfriend before age 18”; “family
            members frequently or almost always eat together at least one meal a day”;
            “sees  gambling  as  wrong  activity”;  “Satisfied  with  life”;  “member  of  a
            fraternity/sorority”; “Had been suspended from attending classes”; “Have ever
            worked for pay, in cash or in kind”; “Had ever read pornographic or sexually
            explicit books/magazines/tabloids”.
                From the table, the odds of engaging in drug use for single males is 5.49
            times higher than the odds for non-single males or those who are single male,
            single female, or married female, assuming all other factors being equal. The
            odds of engaging in drug use for married males is 7.04 times higher than the
            odds for non-married males, this implies that males are more likely to use
            drugs than females and among males, the married males are more likely to
            use  drugs.  This  may  be  due  to  greater  risk-taking  behaviors  and  greater
            freedom of experimenting and becoming involved in risky situations of males.
            Aside from this, a study conducted by Van and Anthony (2001) showed that
            males have higher opportunity to access and use drugs than females. Some
            regions in the Philippines was also included in the model where residents of
            Central  Visayas,  Northern  Mindanao,  Davao  Region,  and  SOCCSKSARGEN
            have higher odds of engaging in drug use compare to the odds of those who
            live do not live among these regions.
                Considering another factor, attending religious activities at least once a
            week reduces the risk of engaging in drug use by 46% compared to those who
            attend less frequently or those who do not attend at all. This result is consistent
            with a study conducted in Baltimore where it was concluded that religious
            participation is a key factor between religion and drug behavior (Billioux et al,
            2014).  It  further  reasoned  that  religious  participation  influences  drug  use
            behavior by imbibing moral order and helpful competencies and by providing
            relational and social bonds.
                Respondents  who  have  an  approval  of  him/her  entering  a  romantic
            relationship before age 18 have higher risk of drug use than those without
            approval  from  the  second  person  who  raised  him/her.  Aside  from  the
            permissive  attitude  of  the  parents  on  their  approval  of  early  romantic
            relationships, a study in by Miller et. al (2009) showed that youth who dates
            early are more likely to participate in drug use and delinquency, in fact, the

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