Page 391 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 391

CPS1899 Ira Joy H.M.
                   E. Media
                   F. Friends and peers
                   G. Health and lifestyle
                   H. Marriage
                   I. Puberty, dating, and sex
                   J. Fertility and contraception
                   K. Knowledge and attitude towards marriage, sex and related issues
                   L. Reproductive health
                For each block except blocks for marriage and reproductive health, several
            data items are included in the questionnaire that are analyzed to determine
            the factors that significantly affect the behavior of drug use, these data Items
            are listed in Table 1 of the Appendix. Using the weights that was calculated by
            the UPPI and DRDF statistical division, the YAFS 4 data set was weighted to
            consider  the  multi-stage  sampling  design  of  the  survey.  The  weighted
            percentage distributions were used in describing the demographic and socio-
            economic status of the respondents and then the response variable (ever used
            drugs) was cross-tabulated with urbanity, region, respondent type, and age to
            further describe the data set.
                The Rao-Scott Chi-square test, an adjusted version of the Pearson Chi-
            square  test  for  association  between  two  variables  that  deals  with  the
            correction of  the  survey  design,  was  used  to  find  significant  variables  that
            could be associated with drug use to account for the complex design of the
            YAFS survey. Significant variables were then included in the construction of
            the model. In addition to this, Cramer’s V was computed using the computed
            Rao-Scott  Chi-square  to  measure  the  strength  of  association  among  the
            weighted variables.
                To generate the final model binary logistic regression analysis, which is
            considered to be an important tool used to analyze the relationship between
            several explanatory variables and the qualitative response variables, was fitted
            for the likelihood to engage in drug use. The stepwise regression model was
            used in generating the possible best model.
                Several tests were performed to assess the model. First, the Likelihood
            ratio test was used to assess if the generated model is better than the model
            without  the  predictors.  Second,  the  receiver  operating  characteristic  (ROC)
            curve was used to asses if the model has a good predictive power or if the
            model  can  predict  new  cases  given  the  predictors.  Third,  the  Hosmer-
            Lemeshow goodnessof- fit test was used to asses if model is well-fitted. Lastly,
            classification tests were used to assess if the model can correctly identify those
            who  actually  use  drugs (sensitivity)  and  if  the  model  can  correctly  identify
            those  who  actually  do  not  use  drugs  (specificity).  In  addition  to  this,
            multicollinearity and parsimony were also considered. The odds was estimated

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