Page 395 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 395

CPS1899 Ira Joy H.M.
            a polydrug user to school non-completion (OR= 1.62). This association can be
            expected as a result of school disengagement or loss of interest in going to
            school among drug users.
                The odds of engaging in drug use is 2.24 times higher for those who have
            worked for pay in cash or in kind relative to those who have not. Other studies
            whose population involves those are in labor force, however, shows that drug
            use reduces job employment. But in this study which involves 15 to 24 years
            old,  youths  who  are  working  for  pay  can  indicate  independence  and
            opportunity of handling their own money. Having a money of your own can
            be an added opportunity to access vices, especially expensive vices like drugs,
            compared to youths who have no work yet or no other source of income other
            than their allowances from parents.
                Lastly,  youths  who  had  ever  read  pornographic  or  sexually  explicit
            books/magazines/tabloids have a higher risk of engaging in the use of drugs
            than those who do not (OR= 2.7). A study (Sacop, 2006) on sexual risk also
            showed that using drugs has one the highest associations with engaging in
            sexual activities. This association could be explained by the knowledge that
            both behaviors are a byproduct of a behavioral problem on the loss of control
            and compulsiveness.
                In assessing the model, several tests were performed. The Likelihood ratio
            test yielded a p-value <.0001, hence the generated model is better than the
            model  without  the  predictors.  The  receiver  operating  characteristic  (ROC)
            curve also covered an area that is approximately 87.6% which is greater than
            70%.  This  implies  that  the  model  has  a  good  predictive  power.  Hosmer-
            Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test also showed that the model is well-fitted with
            p-value=0.1064.  About  79.94%  of  the  observations  were  also  correctly
            predicted by the model with sensitivity and specificity 79.44% and 79.96%
                Drug  use  prevention  programs  for  Filipino  youth  can  incorporate  the
            factors identified by targeting modifiable risk factors, and strengthening the
            identified protective factors. These results may help the parents to develop
            positive preventive actions, the educators to strengthen learning and work
            with others in their school system to review their current programs, the media
            to have thorough classification and reviews to media materials accessible to
            the youth, the community leaders to assess and monitor community risks, and
            the  government  to  partner  with  people  in  schools,  clubs,  faith-based
            organizations,  and  media  to  reduce  the  risks  and  to  build,  develop,  and
            implement programs and policies preventing or reducing the drug use among
            Filipino youth.

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