Page 398 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 398

CPS1900 Ágnes P.

                                     New ways to increase motivation of
                                           respondents in Hungary
                                                  Ágnes Patay
                                          Hungarian Central Statistical Office

                  Based  on  Regulation  (EU)  No 1337/2011  Orchard  Survey,  2017  was
                  conducted in Hungary between 14 February 2018-16 April 2018.
                  Beside  the  regular  communication  techniques  (advertisements,  press
                  conferences) the data collection had several new aspects to increase response
                  rate,  level  of  interaction  with  the  respondents  and  their  willingness  for
                      -   before  the  online  period  a  storytelling  application  was  prepared  to
                         promote  the  already  available  free  data  on  the  website  of  the
                         Hungarian Central Statistical Office,
                      -   on conferences and other professional events high-level management
                         presentations of the Ministry contained information on the importance
                         of Orchard survey, 2017 to promote farmers involvement (data needed
                         for evidence-based decision making),
                      -   at the end of the questionnaire respondents were asked whether they
                         would like a feedback on the survey results and related publications.
                         The project has closed with very good results in several aspects:
                      -   a  record  high  share  of  self-administered  questionnaires  during  the
                         two-week long period. More than 50% of the respondents filled the
                         questionnaire  online.  Before  this  data  collection  the  highest  rate  in
                         case of agricultural data collections was 16%,
                      -   the overall response rate was also extremely high. More than 99% of
                         the farmers filled the questionnaire by the deadline,
                      -   more  than  50%  of  the  respondents  asked  for  feedback,  and
                         information on publications based on the results,
                      -   at the time of the first publication a newsletter was sent out to these
                         farmers, the result was that the publication of the preliminary results
                         in May attracted record high number of visitors.
                  As a summary during these couple of months official statistics on agriculture
                  got  higher  public  and  media  attention.  More  users  became  aware  of  the
                  available agricultural statistics, and different data collections on this field. We
                  have  analysed  the  data  collection  in  detail  and  as  preparation  for  the
                  Agricultural Census 2020 have started already in Hungary we would like to use
                  all the experiences, lessons learned and best practices originated from this
                  Orchard Survey.

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