Page 399 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 399

CPS1900 Ágnes P.
            data collection; response rate; users; cost-effective; agriculture

            1.  Introduction
                Based  on  Regulation  (EU)  No  1337/2011  Orchard  Survey,  2017  was
            conducted in Hungary by Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO) from
            14th February 2018 to 16th April 2018. Regulation describes what variables
            must be collected in connection with given fruit species and what kind of cross
            tables need to be transferred to Eurostat.

            2.  Methodology
                The planning phase of the project was carried out in strong cooperation
            with the stakeholders: professional bodies and the Ministry of Agriculture. A
            cooperation  agreement  was  signed  with  the  ministry  in  order  to  share
            information and costs.
                Beside  the compulsory  fruit  species  (apple,  pear,  peach, apricot)  it  was
            decided  to  collect  information  on  five  more  species  as  they  represent
            significant share of the total orchard area in Hungary. Therefore data collection
            covered  apple,  pear,  peach,  apricot,  cherry,  sour  cherry,  plum,  walnut  and
            elderberry plantations. Furthermore as the last orchard census was carried out
            in 2001 this data collection were also carried out as a census for these nine
            fruit species. As a result almost 15 thousand farmers (subsidy applicants) were
            contacted, who had to report their fruit area.  The covered area  altogether
            represented 80% of total Hungarian orchard area.
                The frame included farms that applied for Single Area Payment (SAPS) for
            any of the nine fruit species that had a parcel at least 2500 m2. All the register
            information for the data collection came from the Integrated Administration
            and Control System (IACS), which is the register of the application of subsidies.
            The  data  to  be  collected,  and  the  survey  design  was  developed  in  close
            cooperation with experts, so that the most relevant data were collected in
            connection  with  Hungarian  fruit  production.  Before  finalizing  the
            questionnaire tests were carried out so that the logic and the type of question
            became easily interpreted by farmers.

            The survey period was divided into two phases:
            (1)  CAWI: two-week online data collection phase for self-filling (between 14
                February 2018-28  February 2018),


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