Page 400 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 400

CPS1900 Ágnes P.
                  (2)  CAPI: a longer data collection phase with the involvement of surveyors
                      (from 1  March 2018- to 18  April 2018).
                  Main goals of the project:
                  (1) Beside of the collection of good-quality data by the deadline, one of the
                     main goals of the project was to increase the share of CAWI in order to
                     reduce the cost of the data collection. It was planned to have at least as
                     high share of CAWI as in case of the last Farm Structure Survey, which was
                  (2) The  other  major  goal  of  the  data  collection  was  to  reach  at  least  95%
                     response rate.
                  Promotion of data collection
                      Beside  the  regular  communication  techniques  (advertisements,  press
                  conferences)  the  data  collection  also  had  several  new  aspects  to  increase
                  response rate, level of interaction with the respondents and their willingness
                  for cooperation.
                  Main forms of communications were the followings:
                  (1)  Press communication
                      Before the data collection five press conferences were organized to inform
                      respondents, and increase their participation. Press conferences were held
                      in Budapest and in four other regions, where fruit production is significant
                      in the country. Press conferences generated 153 news in the media, and
                      beside  that  there  were  also  some  online  and  offline  advertisements  in
                      major agricultural newspapers.
                  (2)  Story telling application
                      It was very important to increase the motivation of respondents. It was
                      considered to be an effective tool to present all the stake holders how
                      many data available for analysis and use, so that to prove that HCSO data
                      collection  can  provide  valuable  resource  for  evidence-based  decision
                      making. Therefore before the online period, a storytelling application was
                      prepared,  to  promote  the  already  available  free  data  of  the  HCSO’s
                      website.  The  data  on  area,  yield  and  price  on  the  fruit  species  were
                      organized  in  a  structural  way,  so  that  the  interlinkages  between  the
                      different datasets were explained.
                      The link reached altogether 31 thousands of visitors, which was a great
                      success as previously no other agricultural publication had got so much
                      attention. Number of visitors peaked two times (Figure 1.). Once before
                      the data collection, and once at the time of publishing the preliminary
                      results of the survey in May.

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