Page 401 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 401

CPS1900 Ágnes P.
                  Figure 1. When was the storytelling application the most visited?

            (3)  Cooperation with experts
                On  conferences  and  other  professional  events  high-level  management
                presentations of the Ministry provided information on the importance of
                Orchard survey, 2017 to promote farmers involvement (data needed for
                evidence-based decision making). It was explained in details that data is
                needed  to  plan  future  agricultural  policies.  Members  of  the  Hungarian
                Chamber of Agriculture and Fruit Producer Association were also informed
                by newsletter, and online information.
            (4)  Feedback for respondents
                To make data collection more interactive, at the end of the questionnaire
                respondents were asked whether they would like a feedback on the survey
                results  and  related  publications.  50.7%  of  the  farmers  asked  for  future
                publication,  which  number  showed  how  big  interest  were  generated
                towards the result of the data collection. First information emails were sent
                out at the time of releasing the preliminary results in html format, which
                contained maps and interactive diagrams. As a result: the publication in
                May also attracted record high number of visitors, much higher than in
                case of the last Farm Structure Survey in 2016.
            (5)  Online help
                Respondents could reach our office in connection with the data collection
                using an email address dedicated to only this survey. They could also ask
                for help by telephone.
            (6)  Email reminder
                Emails were sent out several times during CAWI period to remind farmers,
                that they have an opportunity to fill questionnaire by themselves online.

            3.  Result:
                Before  the  data  collection  it  was  planned  that  around  16%  of  farmers
            would  complete  questionnaire  online.  But  as  a  result  of  the  active
            communication and increased involvement, this goal was reached on the 6
            day  of  the  two-week  long  CAWI  period  (Figure  2.).  At  the  end,  the  online
            completion was 50.5%, which was record in case of agricultural data collection
            (before that the maximum was 16%).

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