Page 53 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 53

CPS1419 Jinheum K. et al.
                It is well known that standard survival models such as the Cox proportional
            hazards (PH) model can be used for analyzing exact or right-censored data.
            However, this model is not applicable to DIC data, so some ad hoc approaches
            have  used  midpoints  or  right  points  (Law  and  Brookmeyer,  1992)  in  the
            censored interval as a heuristic. Since then, many researchers have developed
            various statistical methods for analyzing DIC data that make procedures more
            feasible and provide more powerful results. Among them, Kim et al. (1993)
            considered the method of discretizing the distribution into prespecified mass
            points and estimating parameters with the Cox PH model. Sun et al. (1999)
            extended the result of Kim et al. (1993) to circumvent the non-identifiability
            problem and have simpler forms based on an estimating equation method. In
            addition, Goggins et al. (1999) focused on the technique of imputing survival
            times based on the joint likelihood and estimated effects of covariates using
            a Monte Carlo EM algorithm. Meanwhile, Pan (2000) and Pan (2001) extended
            multiple  imputation  methods  to  assess  more  accurate  survival  times  from
            interval-censored data and to estimate the regression coefficients with the Cox
            regression  model.  Dejardin  and  Lesaffre  (2013)  described  a  stochastic  EM
            algorithm  for  evaluating  the  impact  of  covariates  in  the  presence  of  DIC
            survival times through a semi-parametric Cox's model.
                In clinical trials or cohort studies, subjects are often at risk for one terminal
            event. However, in some applications, subjects do not fail from only a single
            type of event, but instead are at risk of failing from two or more mutually
            exclusive types of events. When an individual is at risk of failing from two
            different types of events, these events are called competing risks. Thus, in this
            framework, one of the events censors the other and vice versa (Tsiatis, 2005;
            Andersen et al., 2012; Putter et al., 2007). On the other hand, many clinical
            trials reveal that a subject can experience both an intermediate event, such as
            a disease or relapse, and a terminal event, such as death, in which the terminal
            event censors the non-terminal event but not vice versa. These types of data
            are known as semi-competing risks data (Fine et al., 2001; Xu, et al., 2010;
            Barrett, et al., 2010). There has been some work on analysis of semi-competing
            risks data by assuming interval censoring only on the intermediate events. For
            instance, Siannis et al. (2007) considered a multi-state model to estimate the
            regression coefficients in the presence of informative lost-to-follow-up and
            interval-censoring. Later, this model was extended by Barret et al. (2011) who
            incorporated an illness-death model to deal with a more complicated model
            structure.  Kim  and  Kim  (2016)  employed  an  extension  of  the  illness-death
            model to estimate transition intensities when an intermediate event is interval-
                However, to the best of our knowledge, there has not been any published
            research  for  which  both  intermediate  and  terminal  events  are  interval-
            censored. We extend previous approaches for analyzing semi-competing risks

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