Page 54 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 54

CPS1419 Jinheum K. et al.
                  data  for  which  interval  censoring  is  assumed  only  on  intermediate  events
                  (Barret  et  al.,  2011).  Thus,  our  proposed  model  can  provide  a  little  more
                  flexibility in dealing with data in a semi-competing framework. In this article,
                  we  utilize  the  Cox  PH  model  with  the  incorporation  of  a  frailty  effect.
                  Moreover,  our  proposed  method  enables  us  to  grasp  the  dependency  of
                  related  events  using  frailty  and  yields  estimates  of  meaningful  transition
                  intensities. The results will be illustrated from simulation studies and real data
                  analysis as well.
                      The  rest  of  the  paper  is  organized  as  follows.  Section  2  explains  the
                  structure  of  the  proposed  model,  along  with  notations,  and  computation
                  procedures  for  parameter  estimation.  In  particular,  the  quasi-Newton
                  optimization is used to estimate the parameters in the model. In Section 3, we
                  conduct extensive simulation studies to demonstrate the performance of the
                  proposed model. We calculate commonly used measures such as the relative
                  bias and coverage probability of the parameter estimates. Section 4 presents
                  real data analysis as an illustration. Finally, Section 5 provides a summary with
                  concluding remarks, including some drawbacks of the proposed models and
                  directions for future research.

                  2.  Method
                      We consider an illness-death model (Anderson et al., 1993) that is one of
                  the most commonly used semi-competing risks models. As mentioned in the
                  previous section, the proposed model assumes that both non-fatal and fatal
                  events may be interval-censored, i.e., DIC. The model in our study has three
                  states: healthy (H), non-fatal (NF), and fatal (F), which denote by the numbers
                  0,  1,  and  2,  respectively.  Under  the  illness-death  model,  there  exist  three
                  possible transitions between states: 0 → 1, 0 → 2, and 1 → 2. Thus, we have
                  four possible routes that a subject can experience from the beginning to the
                  end  of  study,  i.e.,  route 1: 0 → 0,  route 2: 0 → 2,  route 3: 0 → 1,  and  route
                  4: 0 → 1 → 2.
                      Let  be  the  time  from  study  entry  and  define   as  the  state  of  each
                  subject  at  time   ≥ 0 .  So,   ∈ {0,1,2}  in  our  model  setup.  Now  let   =
                  {(, ): (, ) = (0,1), (0,2), (1,2)} represent the possible transitions from state
                   to state . Given covariates  = ( ,  , … ,  )  and frailty , define  (|, )
                  as the transition intensity from state  to state  at time . That is,

                                               (  +  = | = , , )
                              (|, ) = lim                      , (, ) ∈ ,

                  and  (|, ) = 0 for (, ) ∉ . Furthermore, through the Cox (Cox, 1975)
                  regression model, the transition intensity  (|, ) can be expressed as

                                                                      43 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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