Page 423 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 423

CPS2509 D.L Sepato et al.
                This study, despite the different types of outliers focused on four basic and
            commonly used types of outliers in time series namely, the Additive Outlier
            (AO), Innovational Outlier (IO), Temporary Change (TC) and Level Shift (LS)
            outlier discussed in Fox (1972) proved that the power of the test performed
            better than that of  the iid assumption. Studies by (Andersen et al., (2007);
            Boudt et al. (2013); Laurent et al. (2016), and Verhoeven & McAleer (2004)
            caution that the consequence of neglecting jumps (outliers) in GARCH models
            usually overestimate the volatility during several days, if not weeks, after the
            occurrence of these jumps. Though these models have enjoyed the success in
            studying the evolution of financial time series modelling, they are unable to
            explain the high frequency and size of extreme jumps commonly occurring in
            practice which may wrongly suggest conditional heteroscedasticity (Carnero
            et al., 2007).

            2.  Methodology
                Data used in this study consist of the daily closing prices of the primary
            South African indices the JSE index obtained from the Johannesburg Stock
            Exchange (JSE) ranging from January 3, 2011, to April 29, 2016. The percentage
            log returns  are calculated as: = 100 ∗  ( − 1), where Xt is the daily
            closing price of JSE index stock market at time t, and Xt-1 denotes lagged
            stock price on day t-1, this is used to forecast ARCH/GARCH (p, q) models.

            2.1. General outlier detection in ARCH and GARCH models
                An outlier detection procedure used by Fox (1972) follows the following
            steps to detect outliers in a time series data:
                  1. Model a GARCH (1, 1) using the original data under the assumption
                   that there are no outliers
                    =  + ,|−1~(0, ℎ)                             (3)
                   −1 is the division up to time t. In practice,  consists of a constant
                  2. The outlier effect () and the residual variance,   are computed from
                   the residuals.
                  3. Using (2), the test statistics ()is calculated for all possible  = 1,… ,
                   where i denotes outlier type. When () =  ⁄() this indicates an IO,
                   () = 1 implies an AO, () =
                       1 ⁄1 − ()which implies a LS outlier. Then  = () ⇒  =  +  ,
                    where the IO
                                                                  ( )
                                        ( )
                        =  and  =  . AO  =  and = () , LS  =  and  =
                    ()(1 − )  . This will test the null hypothesis for an outlier
                              −1 ( )
                      0: =  =  = 0 against :  ≠ 0, :  ≠ 0 ,:  ≠ 0     (4)
                       This tests the likelihood ratio test statistics for testing H0 vs. HA, HI,
                    and HL respectively,  =  / for i = I, A, and L where  is the standard
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