Page 422 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 422

CPS2509 D.L Sepato et al.

                                Modelling volatility with outlier detection in
                               asymmetric GARCH (p, q) models on JSE index
                                      D.L Sepato , N.D Moroke , J.T Tsoku
                                            1 Nelson Mandela University
                                              2 North West University

                  Financial data often contain observations caused by unexpected events, called
                  interventions, and such extreme returns are often found to disturb volatility
                  less than a standard time series model would forecast. The main purpose of
                  this study is to assess the performance of GARCH type family models with
                  outlier(s) from a set of data. An iterative procedure is given for the outlier’s
                  detection and correction method to check the presence of any type of the four
                  common outliers in financial data. The study explored through the guidance
                  of the ACFs and PACFs the ARMA enhanced GARCH models such as the ARMA
                  (0, 2)-GARCH (1, 1), ARMA (0, 2)-EGARCH (1, 1) and ARMA (0, 2)-GJR-GARCH
                  (1, 1) models to assess the volatility in stock returns data. The study used daily
                  time series data from the year 03 January 2011 until 21 April 2016 was sourced
                  from the JSE database. ARMA (0, 2)-EGARCH (1, 1) model was confirmed to be
                  adequate and was appropriate after the outliers were removed. The model was
                  recommended for further analyses and were later used for producing forecasts
                  of JSE stock returns.

                  ARCH; GARCH-variants; Additive outlier; Level shift outlier; Temporary change
                  outlier; Innovation outlier; JSE index

                  1.  Introduction
                      Modelling volatility of financial time series is a key area of investigation in
                  econometrics.  Though  there  are  many  customary  volatility  Generalised
                  Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) models being used, to
                  capture the stylised facts of financial time series, a drawback of the model is
                  that it cannot capture the asymmetric features found in financial returns, thus,
                  to bridge the gap various asymmetric GARCH models have been proposed
                  (Raziq, Iqbal and Talpur, 2017).
                      There is a dearth of literature on studies that detect outliers in time series
                  prior to modelling and producing forecasts. The main objective of this study
                  was  to  assess  of  the  performance  the  asymmetric  GARCH-type  models  in
                  outlier free data. Therefore, outliers may also introduce bias in the estimated
                  parameters of GARCH models.

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