Page 55 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 55

CPS2119 Noor Azlin M. S. et al.
            likelihood (-1268.5) as compared to probit link-function (-1294.5), clog-log
            link-function  (-1373.6)  and  nlog-log  link  function  (-1301.5).  This  is  also
            supported by the smallest AIC value for ordinal regression model with logit
            link function (2593.0) as compared to ordinal regression model with other link
            functions;  probit  link  function  (2645.0),  clog-log  link  function  (2658.9)  and
            nlog-log  link  function  (2803.2).  Therefore,  this  finding  suggested  that  the
            ordinal  regression  model  with  logit  link  function  is  the  best  fit  model  as
            compared to model with probit, clog-log and nlog-log to represent the level
            of family well-being data.
                These results show that all social factors are identified as significant factors
            to  determine  the  level  of  family  well-being  except  safety.  In  contrast,
            comparing other models with different link function, the demographic factors
            such as ethnic is found to have a significant relationship with the level of family
            well-being. Interestingly, the significant parameter estimates are all positive,
            which means, each of the category of the contributed factors are more likely
            to have a higher-level satisfaction of family well-being.
                TABLE 6.  Performances ordinal regression model with different built-in link functions
                      Ordinal Model with                     Akaike Information
                    Selected Link Functions   Log-Likelihood       Criteria
                    Logit                       -1268.5            2593.0
                    Probit                      -1294.5            2645.0
                    Clog-log                    -1373.6            2658.9
                    Nlog-log                    -1301.5            2803.2

            5.  Conclusion
                The ordinal regression model with logit link function is found to be the
            best model for describing the relationship between the level of family well-
            being and the covariates which include ethnic, family relationship, economic
            situation, health status, community relationship, religion practice and housing
            and environment. It is clear that social determinants are the significant factors
            for explaining the level of family well-being. However, it is a bit surprising to
            see that demographic factors except for ethnic and socioeconomic factors are
            not significant. This could possibly be due to the Malays which represent the
            major race in the country who are usually easily get contented with the little
            things that they have.

                This article uses sample data from the Malaysian Family Well-Being Index
            Survey  (MFWIS)  2011  conducted  by  the  National  Population  and  Family
            Development Board Malaysia (NPFDBM).

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