Page 50 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 50

CPS2119 Noor Azlin M. S. et al.
                  there was a Family Well-Being Index Survey that was carried out by National
                  Population and Family Development Board of Malaysia (Noor et al. 2014). The
                  purpose of the study is to develop a set of indicators for measuring the well-
                  being  of  families  among  Malaysian  and  to  produce  a  composite  Index  of
                  Family Well-Being. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is used to identify the
                  significant  domains  of  family  well-being  which  are  family  relationships,
                  economic  situation,  health  status  and  safety,  community  relationship  and
                      There are several different tools for measuring level of family well-being
                  depending  on  the  different  types  of  data  collected  and  the  scale  of
                  measurement adopted  for  capturing  perception  of  respondent.  Regression
                  methods such as linear, logistic and ordinal regression are example of useful
                  tools to analyze the relationship between multiple explanatory variables and
                  level of family well-being (Fagerland & Hosmer 2016). In this study, the ordinal
                  regression  method  is  used  to  model  the  relationship  between  the  ordinal
                  outcome  variable  which  is  overall  level  of  family  well-being  with  several
                  demographic and social characteristics variables.
                      This  article  is  organized  as  follows.  Section  2  explains  the  ordinal
                  regression model which has been further discussed by Agresti (2007, 2011)
                  and  Liu  &  Agresti  (2005).  Section  3  describes  the  application  of  ordinal
                  regression model on the family well-being data, while the results found are
                  reported in Section 4. Finally, the conclusion is discussed in Section 5.

                  2.  Ordinal Regression Model
                      The ordinal regression model is a generalisation of the logistic regression
                  model, where the dependent variable is ordinal. There are several types of
                  ordinal  regression  models  which  can  be  described  based  on  the  specific
                  scenario  of  the  data  (Mccullagh  1980;  Mccullagh  et  al.  2014;  Mckelvey  &
                  Zavoina 1975). However, the aim of this study is to model the dependence of
                  an  ordinal  response  on  discrete  or  continuous  explanatory  variables.  The
                  proportional odds model which is considered to summarize the relationship
                  between the ordinal response and the explanatory variables, is as given in
                  Equation (1).
                                        Pr ( ≤ |Χ)
                           () =  ⌊       ⌋ =   −  Χ,        = 1,2, … ,  − 1               (1)
                                       Pr ( > |Χ )   
                      Following  the  ordinal  model  above,  let  Y  denotes  an  ordinal  response
                  variable with c levels (1,..,c) which in this case is the level of family well-being
                  and x=(x_1,x_2,…,x_p)' be the vector of  p explanatory variables. The higher
                  value of ordered response category for family well-being indicates the high
                  level  of  satisfaction  of  family  well-being.  For  this  study,  x_i  consists  of
                  demographic,  socioeconomic  and  social  characteristics  of  the  selected
                  households.  The  relationship  between  the  response  variable  and  the

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