Page 258 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 258

CPS1913 Andrey K.

                                      Development of agricultural and rural
                                            statistics in the CIS Region
                                                Andrey Kosarev
                                      Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

                  The agricultural production is a key supplier of food for consumer markets and
                  for food security in many countries of the Commonwealth of Independent
                  States (CIS). CIS-Stat, as coordinator of statistical activities in the CIS countries,
                  pays much attention to the development of statistics in the framework of the
                  implementation  of  the  “Global  Strategy  to  Improve  Agricultural  and  Rural
                  Statistics” in the CIS region. The implementation of the World Bank project
                  “Development  of  Agricultural  and  Rural  Statistics  in  the  CIS  Region”
                  contributed  a  lot  to  the  development  of  methodology  and  improving  the
                  statistical practices. Important methodological issues like agriculture census,
                  sample approach in agriculture statistics, and others were developed basing
                  on the international methodology standards.

                  FAO; World Bank; methodology standards; agricultural census; sample

                  1.  Introduction
                      Work on the “Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics”
                  (see [1]) started after the 2007 International Statistical Institute Conference on
                  Agricultural Statistics. The agricultural production is a key supplier of food for
                  consumer  markets  and  for  food  security  in  many  countries  of  the
                  Commonwealth  of  Independent  States  (CIS).  Thus  participation  of  the  CIS
                  region  in  the  implementation  of  the  “Global  Strategy”  is  one  of  priority
                  activities for the CIS-Stat which is responsible for coordination of statistical
                  activities in the CIS countries.
                      The  World  Bank  project  “Development  of  Agricultural  and  Rural
                  Statistics in the CIS Region” (see [2]) played a crucial role in ensuring
                  most efficient solutions supporting statistical development in the CIS
                  countries. The development objective of the WB project is to create the
                  framework for national and regional statistical systems which will allow
                  the  collection  and  use  of  statistical  data  that  are  needed  in  making
                  decisions regarding the development of agriculture in the 21  century.
                  Three pillars were indicated as specific objectives of the project:

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