Page 259 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 259

CPS1913 Andrey K.
             -  integration of agriculture into the national statistical system in order to
               meet the users’ demand for consistent and compatible data by territories
               and over time;
             -  improvement  of  the  sustainability  of  the  agricultural  statistical  system
               through governance and statistical capacity building;
             -  identifying  a  minimum  set  of  core  data  which  will  be  collected  by  the
               countries to meet both current and emerging information requirements.

            2.  Methodology
                The WB project enabled productive implementation of different kinds of
            activities,  the  key  ones  among  them  being  wide  expert  discussions  and
            development of specific methodological papers. Several CIS regional expert
            meetings  were  conducted  during  the  period  2012-2018  in  different  CIS
            countries  as  well  as  in  FAO  Regional  Office  for  Europe  and  Central  Asia
            (Budapest).  “Plan for the implementation of the Global Strategy in the CIS
            region” was elaborated at the expert meeting in 2012 and then approved by
            the highest regional statistical body – Council of Heads of CIS NSOs – in 2012.
            The discussions held during the following expert meetings were focused on
            most important issues related to the development of agricultural and rural
            statistics in the CIS region.
                Following  the  CIS  experts’  priorities,  the  CIS-Stat  developed  several
            methodology  papers  discussing  the  key  issues,  adapting  international
            methodology standards to specific features of CIS  countries, analyzing the
            national  CIS  practices,  and  promoting  implementation  of  most  efficient
            solutions  into  the  regional  agricultural  and  rural  statistics  (see  [3]…[10]).
            Proposals on the system and methodology of agro-environmental indicators
            for  the  CIS  region  are  being  developed  currently  in  accordance  with  the
            international standards.
                A  special  analytical  overview  of  agricultural  statistics  based  on
            generalized practice of international standards used all over the world was
            carried out by the CIS-Stat as a starting point in providing recommendations
            for CIS NSOs in the field of agricultural statistics (see [3]). The paper reviews
            the  general  issues  of  the  organization  of  agricultural  statistics  in  the  EU
            countries  (subjects,  classifications,  standards)  in  such  areas  as  structural
            changes, land use, crop production, livestock, agri-environmental indicators,
            including  organic  agriculture,  as  well  as  FAOs  contributions  to  the
            improvement of agricultural statistics.
                An important task in developing agricultural statistics in the CIS region is
            ensuring methodological comparability of data produced by the NSOs. In this
            context the CIS-Stat carried out a special analytical work allowing reconciling
            different  national  data  –  conversion  keys  for  the  main  indicators  of
            agricultural and rural statistics (see [4]).

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