Page 260 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 260

CPS1913 Andrey K.
                      The objective of this work is to harmonize the methodological aspects of
                  determining a minimum set of core data and indicators stated in the “Global
                  strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics” in the CIS  countries in
                  order  to  establish  information  resources  in  compliance  with  international
                  standards and recommendations. The paper presents a comparative analysis
                  of  the  methodologies  applied  by  NSOs  for  collecting  data  to  produce
                  agricultural and rural statistics. A description is given of the capacity of the
                  information resources in CIS countries to form a minimum set of core data and
                  a  set  of  indicators  in  the  area  of  agricultural  and  rural  statistics;  including
                  indicators  for  such  industries  as  agriculture,  forestry,  and  fishery  and
                  aquaculture,  and  also  indicators  addressing  the  issues  of  climate  change,
                  availability of land resources, agricultural impacts on the environment, and the
                  economics of rural areas, which are stated in the Global Strategy.  Proposals
                  were  made  for  the  approaches  to  improve  the  methodology  of  statistical
                  observation in the CIS countries in accordance with the international standards
                  and  recommendations.  Also,  proposals  were  developed  to  harmonize  the
                  methodologies  for  establishing  a  minimum  set  of  core  data  and  a  set  of
                  indicators and adjustment procedures (conversion keys) to obtain comparable
                  data for CIS countries on the indicators used to describe the conditions and
                  development of agriculture and rural areas, as well as proposals for obtaining
                  derived indicators to enable international comparisons.
                      The development of agricultural statistics in the CIS region is based on a
                  balance approach, being considered a part of the general statistical system. In
                  this  context  the  CIS-Stat  paid  special  attention  to  consistency  between
                  agricultural  statistics  and  other  branches  of  statistics,  especially  –  national
                  accounts. Methodological recommendations were prepared to assess output
                  and  intermediate  consumption  for  the  agriculture production  account
                  (see [7]).
                      The  paper  contains  a  broad  overview  of  the  sources  of  primary  data
                  necessary for estimating the output of agriculture, examines their features,
                  relative advantages and limitations, and procedures for data processing. One
                  of  the  tools  for  calculating  agricultural  output  may  be  balance  sheet  of
                  production and use of agricultural products; its scheme is described in the
                  paper. These balance sheets enable balancing and harmonizing information
                  on production and use of agricultural produce; they may be used as technical
                  tools  for  calculating  output  of  some  groups  of  agricultural  products.  In  a
                  separate section the use of balance sheets for estimating output of livestock
                  breeding is described. The use of balance sheets is particularly important for
                  assessing production of enterprises in the informal sector, as data on their
                  activities  are  collected  mainly  through  sample  surveys.  Use  of  2008  SNA
                  concepts  for  describing  and  analyzing  agricultural  production  and  other
                  aspects of economic activities in the agricultural sector will improve the quality

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