Page 262 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 262

CPS1913 Andrey K.
                  adjustments  into  the  time  series;  approaches  to  their  recalculation  are
                  described in the paper.
                      One of the key tasks of the 2011 Busan Action Plan for Statistics is to
                  improve  coordination  and  cooperation  between  data  producers  and  data
                  users and to enable open access to statistical information. In this regard, it is
                  recommended  before  the  start  of  the  census  to  develop  a  standard  plan,
                  methods  and  data  dissemination  venues,  including  access  to  anonymized
                  microdata, and archiving formats for the agricultural census data.
                      Sample questionnaires for different types of agricultural producers and
                  the  layouts  of  summary  tables  are  presented  in  the  paper  to  assist  in
                  developing survey tools for agricultural censuses in CIS countries. A glossary
                  of  terms  is  prepared  to  assist  census  enumerators  and  statisticians  in  CIS
                      The  implementation  of  sample  approach  is  one  of  key  aspect  in
                  developing statistics in the CIS countries, especially in agriculture statistics. The
                  CIS-Stat developed special methodological materials on this subject matter
                  (see [6]).
                      The  objective  of  this  work  is  to  improve  the  methodology  of  sample
                  surveys  of  agriculture  in  the  CIS  countries  and  to  propose  such  sampling
                  methods that ensure maximum possible coverage of all types of agricultural
                  producers with the account for their size, importance, location, and/or other
                  characteristics and enable proper grossing up the sample survey estimates to
                  the  general  population.    It  will  allow  fulfilling  one  of  the  main  tasks  of
                  agricultural  data  collection  as  stated  in  the  Global  Strategy  to  Improve
                  Agricultural and Rural Statistics.
                      The  paper  analyzes  the  international  recommendations  for  the
                  preparation and conduct of sample surveys in agriculture.
                      On the basis of the conducted research, approaches have been proposed
                  to constructing a sample of small business entities, peasant (farmer) farms and
                  personal subsidiary farms engaged in agricultural activities with the purpose
                  to  refine  the  existing  methodologies  for  conducting  sample  surveys  in
                  agriculture in the CIS countries. The practical implementation of the proposed
                  recommendations  will  allow  exercising  a  more  relevant  approach  to
                  constructing  territorial  samples,  taking  into  account  international
                  recommendations  on  this  issue.  This  will  contribute  to  improving  the
                  representativeness of data collected through sample surveys of agricultural
                  activities and the comparability of data between the CIS countries and at the
                  global level within the framework of agricultural statistics.

                  3.  Result
                      At present, the main outcome of the work on the implementation of the
                  Global  Strategy  in  the  CIS  region  is  the  development  of  methodological

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