Page 265 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 265

CPS1925 Marek K.

                                   Saving, borrowing and economic
                                      resourcefulness in Poland
                                            Marek Kośny
                              Wroclaw University of Economics, Wroclaw, Poland

            Economic resourcefulness, as one of the important determinants of the ability
            to maintain economic security, indirectly affects many aspects related to the
            functioning of individuals and their households on the market. One of the
            important  areas  is  making  financial  decisions  related  to  the  allocation  of
            financial surpluses (saving) and taking loans. The analysis carried out on the
            basis of a dedicated study aims to identify various aspects of the processes of
            collecting savings and borrowing in Poland, and to assess to what extent these
            processes are conditioned by economic resourcefulness. The obtained results
            indicate  the  significance  of  economic  resourcefulness  for  the  majority  of
            identified aspects of saving and borrowing, but at the same time, they show
            the specificity of these aspects. Resourcefulness, oriented at gaining a good
            financial  situation  and  economic  stability  does  not  necessarily  lead  to
            strengthening individual retirement saving, what could be interpreted as  a
            kind of trade-off between strategies build upon focusing on achieving well-
            being in the short (medium) and a long time horizon.

            Saving  behaviour;  Saving  motives;  Borrowing  behaviour;  Economic

            1.  Introduction
                The  management  of  financial  resources  includes  a  number  of  specific
            areas: in particular, the forms and means of obtaining funds, and sources of
            financing the expenditures, the adopted perspective (short- and long-term)
            and  stability  of  income  and  expenditure  over  time.  In  the  context  of  the
            analysis which will be presented later in the article, two issues are of particular
            importance. The first of them is saving behaviour - both in short and long term.
            The  second  is  the  behaviour  in  the  area  of  borrowing.  A  similar
            characterization of these areas suggests the possibility of the occurrence of
            common determinants: identifying a set of features that influence behaviour
            in  both  areas  will  mean  not  only  their  formal  similarity  but  also  common
            behavioural determinants.
                The  literature  review  shows  that  both  the  concepts  of  saving  and
            borrowing  cover,  however,  a  wide  range  of  behaviours  (see,  for  example,

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