Page 267 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 267

CPS1925 Marek K.
            centuries. In order to obtain a homogeneous sample with relatively consistent
            experiences,  all  respondents  aged  25-45  were  required  to  have  higher
            education. In total, 902 respondents participated in the study.
                The analysis of such a defined data set was carried out in two stages. In
            the  first  step,  data  related  to  various  aspects  of  saving  and  borrowing
            (separately for each area) were subjected to exploratory factor analysis (EFA),
            with principal component analysis and varimax rotation. The extracted factors
            were  supposed  to  have  eigenvalues  higher  than  one.  Additionally,  the
            resulting set of factors had to explain a minimum of 75% of the variance of
            the  original  set  of  variables  (factors  explaining  less  than  10%  of  the  total
            variance were not taken into account). The primary purpose of factor analysis
            was to identify latent constructs and assessment of dimensionality in the set
            of analyzed questions. In both analyzed areas – saving and borrowing – the
            number of concealed dimensions obtained was 3. The dimensions identified
            in this way meet the conditions set by Briggs and Cheek (1986) – they are both
            conceptually  meaningful  and  empirically  useful.  In  the  second  step,  the
            emergent constructs were utilized in the regression analysis as independent
            variables what allowed to indicate key determinants of the aspects of saving
            and borrowing identified in this way.
                The basic variable whose impact on saving and borrowing was verified is
            the respondent's economic resourcefulness, for which the structural equation
            model  (MIMIC)  proposed  in  Kośny  and Piotrowska 2018  (one-generational
            model) was used. The theoretical values of the hidden variable – economic
            resourcefulness – were estimated on the basis of the estimates given there.
            Then the imputed values obtained in this way were used as an explanatory
            variable in the regression models estimated for particular aspects of saving
            and borrowing.
                All analyzes and calculations presented in this article were carried out in
            IBM SPSS Statistics 24.

            3.  Result
                The starting point for the analysis is the exploratory factor analysis (EFA),
            the results of which are presented in Table 1. For the principal component
            analysis, answers to 7 questions were used, which in the study concerned the
            issue of saving. Taking into account the content of the questions on the basis
            of which the analysis was carried out, emerging factors can be described in
            the following way.
                Factor 1 can be characterized as the Ability to accumulate savings, because
            it  shows  the  specific  effects  of  the  saving  process,  which  is  the  savings
            accumulated  –  both  pension  savings,  as  well  as  those  which,  in  the
            respondent's opinion, are not intended for  this purpose. This distinction is
            significant because the question left the respondent free to define the nature

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