Page 266 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 266

CPS1925 Marek K.
                  investment and consumption debt). These differences result not only from the
                  motivation  of  decision-makers  (the  subjective  factor)  but  also  from  the
                  economic meaning (objective factor). This internal diversity raises a number of
                  basic questions. Firstly, is the formal differentiation reflected in the attitudes
                  and behaviour of individuals – i.e. is the propensity to save (debt) depending
                  on the motive, purpose, and manner of saving (borrowing)? Are people who
                  save on a regular basis (collecting funds for the  planned purchase of assets –
                  the improvement and down-payment motive or for unforeseen expenses – the
                  precautionary motive), will also be those who save for retirement purposes
                  (the  life-cycle  motive  or  the  bequest  motive)?  Secondly,  what  determines
                  specific  behaviour  in  terms  of  saving  (borrowing)  and  are  these  the  same
                  factors, independent of the way (motive) of saving (borrowing)?
                      With regard to these questions, the purpose of the article is to identify
                  various aspects of saving and borrowing and to indicate their determinants.
                  The basic aspects characterizing the behaviour of households in the area of
                  saving  and  borrowing  were  identified  based  on  the  results  of  the  factor
                  analysis for a dedicated study conducted on a group of Polish households. It
                  allows  for  assigning  households'  behaviours  to  wider  areas,  which  allows
                  searching for common determinants for specific types of behaviour. In the
                  second stage of the analysis, an attempt was made to assess to what extent
                  the  identified  areas  are  conditioned  by  economic  resourcefulness  –  an
                  important factor in guaranteeing the economic security of households.
                      The  article  contributes  to  the  literature  by  application  of  the  recently
                  introduced category of economic resourcefulness to the description of saving
                  and borrowing behaviour in Poland. Obtained results show new aspects of
                  short- and long term saving in Poland and suggest the existence of a kind of
                  trade-off between concentration on the short (medium) and the long-term
                  situation in the context of maintaining the desired standard of living.

                  2.  Methodology
                      The empirical analysis was  carried out on the basis of the data  from a
                  dedicated questionnaire survey which was intended to analyze various aspects
                  of the functioning of individuals and households on the market. Within the
                  survey respondents answered a number of questions regarding their market
                  situation, saving, indebtedness, the situation on the labour market as well as
                  many personal characteristics (noncognitive factors).
                      The study was conducted in Poland at the end of 2016 by a renowned
                  research  agency,  using  CAPI  method.  Sampling  was  based  on  the  TERYT
                  system,  used  for  representative  surveys  by  the  Central  Statistical  Office  in
                  Poland. The group of respondents covered three cohorts aged 25-31, 32-38,
                  39-45. The age range of the cohort was established in relation to the political
                  transformation that took place in Poland in the early 1990s of the previous

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