Page 268 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 268

CPS1925 Marek K.
                  of savings, which in a broader context is a reference to the concept of mental
                  accounts (see Shefrin and Thaler 1988).
                      Factor 2 can be described as Pension saving. It includes, of course, pension
                  savings – which is a component shared with Factor 1. In addition, it refers to
                  planning for saving for a pension. An interesting aspect of this factor is that it
                  is not related to having savings, which – according to the respondent – are not
                  directly related to pensions. This indicates the specific character of pension
                  savings and another mechanism of their formation.
                      Factor 3 covers aspects related to the current saving for a specific purpose
                  and  the  ability  to  keep  the  desired  level  of  expenses,  which  is  why  it  was
                  described as Saving discipline. It is interesting, however, that the behaviours
                  from  this  area  form  a  separate  factor,  distinct  from  the  two  previously
                  mentioned. An attempt to interpret it may be based on a reference to the
                  saving  motives  described  in  Section  2.  While  these  motives  are  directly
                  referred to by Factor 2 (the life-cycle motive), Factor 3 seems to reflect the
                  down-payment and improvement motives, nevertheless, references to other
                  motives can also be found. However, of the most general character is Factor
                  1, which corresponds not only to the precautionary motive, the inter-temporal
                  substitution motive but also to others, including the already mentioned life-
                  cycle motive.
                                Table 1. Savings – factor’s loading for the first three factors
                                                                Factor’s loadings
                                                                Factor 1   Factor 2   Factor 3
                    Please specify how often in the last 6 months you
                    have saved for significant expenses like a car, home   0.076   0.154   0.813
                    or educational expenses?
                    Please specify how often in the last 6 months you   0.161   -0.077   0.804
                    managed to fit in your budget (expenditure plan)?
                    Do you save for a pension in any form, in addition   0.445   0.562   0.084
                    to compulsory contributions?
                    Do you have a plan on how to save for a pension?   0.034   0.877   0.048
                    Have  you  ever  tried  to  estimate  how  much  you
                    would have to save in the period when you work to   -0.073   0.852   -0.003
                    make you satisfied with your standard of living in
                    Does your household have savings?           0.944    0.037     0.126
                    What is the approximate value of your household   0.941   0.010   0.148
                    Eigenvalue                                  2.419    1.749     1.063
                      Characteristic of identified aspects is an incentive for attempts to look for
                  determinants. Such analysis was carried out using a regression model in which
                  as independent variables were utilized the constructs that emerged from EFA.
                  As  the  potential  explanatory  variables,  the  age  (in  years)  and  the  level  of
                  income were adopted – according to a previously presented literature review.

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