Page 269 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 269

CPS1925 Marek K.
            As the key determinant, whose impact on particular  aspects of saving was
            examined, we chose economic resourcefulness. Weighted OLS estimates are
            presented in Table 2.
                         Table 2. Determinants of factors identified for saving behavior
                                                  Factor 1     Factor 2     Factor 3
             Economic resourcefulness
             (variable  imputed  on  the  basis  of  0.598***   -0.041     0.308***
             Total  monthly  net  income  of  the
             household (in PLN)                  -0.005       -0.031       -0.041*
             Age (in years)                      0.011**      0.030***     0.004
             Constant                            -3.183***    -0.700***    -1.392***
             Adjusted R                          0.315        0.030        0.080
            Note: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
                 Estimates show a positive relationship between the age variable and the
            analyzed factors, the relationship being statistically significant for Factors 1
            and  2.  In  the case of  the  income  variable,  the  results  were  reversed  –  the
            coefficients were negative but significantly different from zero only for Factor
            3. Economic resourcefulness has a positive effect on Factors 1 and 3.
                 These results mean that resourcefulness is an important determinant of
            the Ability to accumulate savings – both in the context of its effects (Factor 1)
            and internal discipline (Factor 3) – even though the analysis showed that these
            aspects  are  separate.  At  the  same  time,  the  Ability  to  accumulate  savings
            increases with age and does not depend on the level of income, which is a
            direct  reference  to  the  Permanent  Income  Hypothesis  and  the  Life  Cycle
            Hypothesis (taking into account the age range of respondents). On the other
            hand,  the  discipline  in  current  saving  is  a  factor  independent  of  age  but
            conditioned  by  features  characterizing  the  resourceful  individuals.  As  the
            results show, this aspect of saving is particularly important for people with
            lower incomes, whose resourcefulness is manifested in the fact that they try –
            by saving – to limit a debt incurred for consumption purposes.
                 The  positive  relationship  between  Factor  2  and  respondent  age  is
            completely  natural  and  fully  compatible  with  the  Permanent  Income
            Hypothesis and the Life Cycle Hypothesis. The result obtained for the variable
            economic  resourcefulness  is  interesting,  however.  The  lack  of  statistical
            significance  for  this  explanatory  variable  means  that  pension  saving  is
            managed in a different way compared to other saving areas – to the extent to
            which  it  involves  conscious  planning  of  such  savings.  It  is  an  important
            indication  that  in  order  to  increase  private  savings  in  this  area,  specific
            incentives are needed, oriented at this type of savings, related in particular to
            the promotion of long-term savings planning, which is not directly related to
            the level of economic resourcefulness. This lack of relationship may – at least

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