Page 271 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 271

CPS1925 Marek K.
            stable financial situation (which is necessarily accompanied by a higher income
            level), and these cards are typically not a tool for emergency borrowing (see
            the relationship between Factor 2 and Factor 3) – even when respondents use
            the entire limit in the card.
                 Emergency borrowing is described by Factor 3. It concerns a  situation
            when debt is a consequence of difficulties in covering current costs. Although
            this type of indebtedness is the most dangerous form of debt, it is not – as
            already mentioned – associated with a sense of nuisance. At the same time,
            credit cards are not a tool for incurring this type of debt.
                 The presented results raise the question about the nature of the excessive
            borrowing  phenomenon  in  the  context  of  Polish  households.  Excessive
            borrowing  and  insufficient  savings  can  be  seen  as  a  product  of  bounded
            rationality (among the psychological mechanisms that can lead to this type of
            behavior  is  distinguished  myopia,  procrastination,  optimism  bias,
            “miswanting”,  and  so-called  cumulative  cost  neglect).  The  obtained  results
            indicate that such behaviors are not necessarily related in Poland to forms of
            indebtedness perceived as riskier (emergency debt, credit card debt). The main
            burdens – including burdens that are perceived by the respondents as onerous
            - are associated with “conventional” debt.
                 Comparing  the  identified  aspects  of  saving and  borrowing,  it  is  worth
            paying attention to the time horizon. While pension savings were separated
            as a distinct component, long-term loans (mortgages) came under one factor
            with other loans and credits.
                        Table 4. Determinants of factors identified for borrowing behavior
                                                  Factor 1     Factor 2     Factor 3
             Economic resourcefulness               0.172***     0.188***    -0.176***
             (variable imputed on the basis of SEM)
             Total monthly net income of the household   -0.056**   -0.033     0.010
             (in PLN)
             Age (in years)                         0.016***      0.004        0.006
             Constant                               -1.091***    -0.847***    0.570**
             Adjusted R                              0.038        0.029        0.023
            Note: *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.10.
                Having identified aspects of indebtedness, the second stage of the analysis
            is an attempt to assess the significance of selected determinants. To the set of
            analyzed determinants – as in the case of saving – economic resourcefulness,
            age and income level were included. OLS regression results are presented in
            Table  4.  From  the  point  of  view  of  the  considerations  being  made,  the
            dependence on the third of the analyzed variables – economic resourcefulness
            – is of key importance. Obtained results clearly indicate the significance of
            economic resourcefulness for all identified aspects of borrowing. However, it
            is worth paying attention to the sign of estimates. Resourcefulness is positively
            related to Factor 1 and Factor 2, and negatively to Factor 3. This means  –

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