Page 272 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 272

CPS1925 Marek K.
                  considering the definition of the economic resourcefulness – that not only
                  saving, but also reasonable borrowing and the use of instruments such as
                  credit cards can be a factor that has a positive impact on the financial standing.
                  This  is  in  line  with  the  economic  perception  of  borrowing  (especially  with
                  regard to the Permanent Income Hypothesis), where borrowing is a natural
                  activity stabilizing the level of consumption and allowing for interim financial
                  transfers (acceleration of consumption). An undoubted problem, however, is
                  excessive consumption, which is not justified in the level of income achieved
                  (both temporary and permanent). In this situation, the indebtedness is not
                  planned (built into the concept of the life cycle), but it is an ad hoc attempt to
                  secure  consumption  needs  as  a  result  of  current  financial  problems  (the
                  separation of these two aspects is indicated by the results of factor analysis).
                  This type of behavior negatively affects the long-term building of wealth and
                  the economic stability of the household, which is reflected in the negative
                  impact of economic resourcefulness.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      The definition of the concept of economic resourcefulness indicates the
                  possibility of identifying a certain set of features that are key to the “efficiency”
                  of  functioning  on  the  market.  Among  them  are  not  only  aspects  directly
                  related to the economic dimension - no less important are personality traits,
                  values  in  life  and  factors  affecting  self-confidence,  feeling  of  “not  being
                  inferior”. This category of economic resourcefulness proved to be helpful in
                  explaining behaviour in the area of saving and borrowing. It is a step towards
                  the  identification  of  sets  of  significant  features  –  instead  of  assessing  the
                  impact of respondents' characteristics separately, the impact of the compound
                  category is assessed, which comprehensively describes the ability to cope with
                  problems and challenges in the economic space.
                      The  obtained  results  show  a  coherent  picture  of  the  behaviours  of
                  resourceful people. The resourceful people have a higher propensity to save,
                  including short-term saving, oriented on the purchase of specific goods or
                  services, which directly relates to a financial discipline. These people do not
                  avoid borrowing – even in situations when it involves a significant burden on
                  the household budget (which is very often the case in the case of mortgage
                  loans). However, they are characterized by a lower tendency to indebtedness
                  caused  by  financial  problems  which  would  indicate  a  limited  ability  to
                  effectively manage household finances. An interesting exception – the area on
                  which  economic  resourcefulness  (defined  in  the  manner  adopted  in  this
                  article)  has  no  significant  impact  is  the  conscious  planning  of  retirement
                  savings. On one hand, it shows the specificity of such saving, which is crucial
                  for building incentive systems aimed at promoting this type of saving. On the
                  other hand, it shows that building pension security does not necessarily have

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