Page 273 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 273

CPS1925 Marek K.
            to be positively related to the pursuit of good financial standing and economic
            stability  in  the  short  and  medium  term.  This  suggests  the  existence  of  a
            separate  mechanism  for  collecting  this  type  of  savings.  This  distinction  is
            particularly visible in the effects of factor analysis. The existence of retirement
            savings is not a differentiating factor - they appear both in total savings (which
            indicate the ability to accumulate savings) and in retirement savings. This is
            due to the difficulty of defining which savings constitute a retirement savings
            – they can comprise all the savings, even if they were not collected for this
            purpose. The differences relate to having the plan for saving for retirement.
            This suggests that the features determining good functioning in the short and
            medium term do not necessarily assume solicitude for the more distant future,
            which is particularly visible among younger people (up to 45 years of age),
            who  were  included  in  this  study.  In  a  sense,  it  reflects  a  kind  of  trade-off
            between-strategy build upon the focus on achieving well-being in the short
            (medium)  and  long-term  and  refers  to  the  Carrol's  buffer-stock  model  of
                As suggested by the results obtained, the sample specification adopted in
            the  analysis  helped  to  show  the  characteristics of  the analyzed  group and
            eliminate the impact of many other potentially significant factors. However, it
            also constitutes a limitation and determines the direction of further research -
            to  what  extent  the  obtained  results  can  be  generalized  to  the  whole
            population of Poland and other countries.

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                 development and evaluation of personality. Journal of Personality, 54,
              2.  Carroll, C.D. (1997). Buffer-stock saving and the life cycle/permanent
                 income hypothesis. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112, 1-55.
              3.  Kośny, M., Piotrowska, M. (2018). Economic Resourcefulness: Definition
                 and Modeling. Social Indicators Research, online first:
              4.  Shefrin, H., Thaler, R.H. (1988). The behavioral life-cycle hypothesis.
                 Economic Inquiry, 26, 609-643.

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