Page 276 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 276

CPS1929 Takayuki M.
                         Furthermore, we also assume that:

                  where Et−1[·] is the expectation at time t − 1 given the observations until time
                  t − 1. Then we have               with ξt ∼ N(0,In. We refer to gi and mi as the
                  short and long run variance components respectively for asset i and denote
                  by Nv the number of days that mi is held fixed. The superscript i indicates that
                  this may be asset-specific and the subscript v differentiates it from a similar
                  scheme that will be introduced later for correlations. In particular, while gi,t
                  moves daily, mi,τ changes only once every Nv days. We assume that for each
                  asset i = 1,...,n, univariate returns follow the GARCH-MIDAS process:

                  where gi,t follows a GARCH(1,1) process:

                  while  the  MIDAS  component  mi,τ  is  a  weighted  sum  of  Kv lags  of  realized
                  variances (RV) over a long horizon:

                  where the RV involve Nv daily squared returns. Namely:

                  where Nv could for example be a quarter or a month. The above specification
                  corresponds to the block sampling scheme as defined in Engle et al. (2013),

                  involving so called Beta weights defined as:

                  where the parameters     and    are independent of i, i.e. the same across all
                      We use the two-step DCC-MIDAS model of Colacito et al. (2011) extended
                  to  allow  for  exogeneous  variables  influencing  the  long-run  volatility  and
                  correlation as in Asgharian et al. (2016). The first step consists of estimating

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