Page 277 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 277

CPS1929 Takayuki M.
            separate  GARCH-MIDAS  models  for  the  stock  returns  for  day  i  =  1,...,Nt in
            month t as:

            where the total stock variance σi,t is separated into a short-run component gi,t
            and  a  long-run component  τt such  that  σi,t =  τtgi,t.  A  GARCH  (1,1)  process
            describes the short-run component:

            where α > 0 and β ≥ 0,α + β < 1. The long-run component is described by a

            MIDAS regression where the lagged EPU shocks of the EPUt−k are included

            over k = 1,...,24:

            where the weighting scheme is described by a beta lag polynomial:

            where  the  parameter  θ1  measures  the  effects  of  the  economic  policy
            uncertanity shocks on the long-run volatility. We fix w1 = 1 to ensure higher
            weights to the most recent observations as with Asgharian et al. (2016).
                 Colacito et al. (2011) propose the DCC-MIDAS model which is a natural
            extension of the GARCHMIDAS model to the Engle (2002) DCC model. Using
            the standardized residuals , it is possible to obtain a matrix whose elements

            where  we  could  have  used  simple  cross-products  of  ξi,t  in  the  above
            formulation of ci,j,t. The normalization allow us to discuss regularity conditions
            in terms of correlation matrices. Correlations can then be computed as:

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