Page 282 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 282

CPS1930 M. Kayanan et al.
                      The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is the usual approach to estimate the
                  unknown parameter vector , and the Residual Sum of Squares (RSS) of the
                  model (1) takes the form
                                                  = ( − ̂)( − ̂).            (2)
                  By minimising RSS, the Ordinary Least Squares Estimator (OLSE), which is the
                  Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) for , is defined as
                                                         ̂ = (′) .          (3)
                  It  is  well-known  that  OLSE  is  unstable  and  produces  estimates  with  high
                  variance when columns of  are multicollinear. A general approach to handle
                  this problem is to introduce a penalty in RSS, which produces bias but reduces
                  the variance of the estimators.
                         The Ridge Estimator (RE) was proposed by Hoerl & Kennard (1970) by
                  introducing L2-norm of    as a penalty in RSS as below:

                  where        is the shrinkage parameter. RE helps with obtaining less variance
                  of  the  estimates  by  shrinking  the  regression  coefficients  toward  zero.
                  However, it has two significant issues in high dimensional linear models as it
                  introduces heavy bias when the number of predictors is high, and it may shrink
                  irrelevant regression coefficients, but they are still in the model. As a remedial
                  solution  to  this  problem,  Tibshirani  (1996)  proposed  the  Least  Absolute
                  Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) by introducing L1-norm of    as a
                  penalty in RSS, and it is defined as

                  where       is the shrinkage parameter. LASSO handles both multicollinearity
                  and variable selection simultaneously in the high dimension linear regression
                  model. However, LASSO is unstable when the number of predictors   is higher
                  than the number of observations . Further, the prediction performance of RE
                  dominates LASSO if there exist high multicollinearity among predictors.
                         To  handle  this  problem,  Zou  &  Hastie  (2003)  proposed  Elastic  net
                  (Enet)  estimator  by  combining  RE  and  LASSO,  and  it  is  defined  as

                  Liu (1993) proposed Liu Estimator (LE) as an alternative estimator to RE to
                  handle the multicollinearity problem. They have shown that LE outperforms
                  RE under certain conditions. This work is motivated us to combine LE and
                  LASSO estimators and name it as Liu type Elastic net estimator (LEnet). Further,

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