Page 281 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 281

CPS1930 M. Kayanan et al.

                         Combining LASSO and Liu type Estimator in the
                                     Linear Regression Model
                                    M. Kayanan , P. Wijekoon
                                                1, 2
                  1 Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
              2 Deparment of Physical Science, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Vavuniya, Sri
              3 Department of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri

            The Ordinary Least Square Estimator (OLSE) has been widely used to estimate
            unknown  parameters  in  the  linear  regression  model.  Since  OLSE  produces
            high  variance  on  the  estimates  when  multicollinearity  exists  among  the
            predictor variables, the Ridge Estimator (RE) is introduced as an alternative
            estimator.  However,  RE  yields  heavy  bias  in  the  high  dimensional  linear
            regression models, and it also produces irrelevant predictors to the estimated
            model. Hence, the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
            has  been  used  to  ensure  the  variable  selection  as  well  as  to  handle  the
            multicollinearity  problem  simultaneously.  It  is  noted  that  LASSO  failed  to
            outperform  RE  when  high  multicollinearity  exists  among  the  predictor
            variables.  Further,  the  LASSO  estimator  is  unstable  when  the  number  of
            predictors is higher than the number of observations. Hence, the Elastic net
            (Enet) estimator is introduced to address this problem by combining LASSO
            and RE.  Since Liu Estimator (LE) is an alternative estimator for RE to address
            multicollinearity problem, the objective of this study was to propose Liu type
            Elastic net estimator by combining LASSO and LE. Then, we compared the
            prediction performance of the Liu type Elastic net (LEnet) estimator with the
            Elastic net and LASSO estimators in Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) sense
            using the real-world examples. The results showed that LEnet outperforms the
            other two estimators in RMSE sense.

            Multicollinearity; Variable selection; Liu estimator; LASSO; Elastic net

            1. Introduction
            Consider the linear regression model
                                                   =  +                     (1)
            where  is the  × 1 vector of observations on the predictor variable,  is the
             ×  matrix of observations on  non stochastic regressor variables,  is a 
            × 1 vectors of unknown parameters,  is the  × 1 vector of disturbances,  ∼
            (0, σ ).

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