Page 285 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 285

CPS1930 M. Kayanan et al.
            score 4 or 5 (pgg45).  The response is the log of prostate specific antigen
            (lpsa). The dataset has 97 observations. Stamey et al. 1989 have examined the
            correlation  between  the  level  of  prostate  specific  antigen  and  those  eight
            clinical  measures.  Further,  Tibshirani  (1996),  Efron  et  al.  (2004)  and  Zou  &
            Hastie (2003) have used this data to examine the performance of LASSO, LARS
            algorithm  and  Enet  estimators.  This  data  set  is  attached  with  “lasso2”  R
            package,  and  we  have  used  50  observations  to  fit  the  model,  and  47
            observations to calculate the RMSE.
                 The  UScrime  dataset  has  16  variables  with  47  observations,  and  it  is
            attached with “MASS” R package. This data contains the following columns: 
            (percentage of males aged 14--24),  (indicator variable for a Southern state),
            (mean years of schooling), (police expenditure in 1960),  (police
            expenditure  in  1959),    (labor  force  participation  rate),  .    (number  of
            males per 1000 females),  (state population),  (number of non-whites
            per  1000  people),    (unemployment  rate  of  urban  males  14--24),  
            (unemployment rate of urban males 35--39),  (gross domestic product
            per  head),    (income  inequality),    (probability  of  imprisonment),
             (average time served in state prisons),  (rate of crimes in a particular
            category per head of population). The variable  is considered as a dependent
            variable, the variable  is ignored since it is categorical. Venables & Ripley
            (1999) have examined the effect of punishment regimes on crime rates using
            this dataset. For the analysis, we have used 40 observations to fit the model,
            and 7 observations to calculate the RMSE.
                 The  RMSE  for  different  values  of  the  shrinkage  parameter  (k/d)  was
            calculated, and the shrinkage parameter (/) was chosen between (0, 1) for
            simplicity. Further, we used K-fold cross-validation to find the optimal values
            of ,  and .

            3. Result and Discussion
               The  Estimated  RMSE  values  of  LASSO,  Enet  and  LEnet  for  the  Prostate
            Cancer  Data  and  UScrime  data  are  displayed  in  Table  1  and  Table  2,
                    Table 1. Estimated RMSE values of the estimators for Prostate Cancer Data
                                           LASSO estimator
                  1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417    1.417

             RMSE   23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114    23.114
                                           Enet estimator
                  0.1    0.2     0.3     0.4     0.5     0.6     0.7    0.8     0.9
                  1.599    1.595    1.592    1.588    1.585    1.582    1.579    1.576    1.574
             RMSE   21.183    21.178    21.173    21.169    21.164    21.160    21.157    21.153    21.150

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