Page 289 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 289

CPS1932 Carlos A. M. D.
            - and The Unit for Comprehensive Care and Reparation for the Victims of the
            Colombian Armed Conflict. Selected variables was analyzed using Global and
            Local Spatial Correlation Moran’s Indexes and Spatial Regression likelihood
            function from SAR, SEM and SDM models.
               Data was separated in two groups: Before dialogs (2007 - 2011) and after
            dialogs (2012 - 2016) . Because of data structure, it was not possible analyzed
            under spatial panel data methodologies.

            3. Results
               Figure  1(a)  shows  the  changes  about  spatial  distribution  for  forced
            displacement.  In  Figure  1(b)  it’s  possible  to  observed  changes  about  war
            actions after dialogues between colombian government and FARC.

                         (a) Forced Displacement                       (b) War Actions
                       Figure 1: Spatial Plots for Forced Displacement - War Actions
                    Usin Moran’s I (Bongiovanni, 2008) it’s possible to identify the location
            of spatial conglomerates. Moran’s I is calculate like in equation 1

             Where, wij represents Spatial Weight for the couple i,j. Most spatial weights
            matrices W are based on some version of a connectivity matrix C. C is an n ×
            n binary matrix, where i = {1,2,...,n} and j = {1,2,...,n} are the units in the system
            (cities in international system). Entry cij = 1 if two units i 6= j are considered
            connected, and cij = 0 if they are not. Results for Moran’s I are shown In Table
            1. The evidence suggests the presence of spatial correlation in all data groups.
            Note  Moran’s  I  for  displacement  is  low  but  p-value  suggests  spatial
            autocorrelation true.

            3  Since the end of 2011, the Colombian government began negotiations with the FARC to end
            an armed conflict
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