Page 293 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 293

CPS1932 Carlos A. M. D.
            1.  Baronio,  A.,  Vianco,  A.  &  Rabanal  C.  (2012).  Una  Introducci´on  a  la
               Econometr´ıa  Espacial.  Dependencia  y  Heterogeneidad.  Recovered  from:
            2.  Bongiovanni, R. (2008). Econometr´ıa Espacial Aplicada a la Agricultura de
               Precisi´on. Actualidad Econ´omica - Ao XIX - N 67.
            3.  Lovelace, R. and others (2015). Introduction to Visualising Spatial Data in R.
               Recovered from:
            4.  Mantilla,  C.  (2015).  Factorial  Analysis  for  Forced  Migration  in  Colombia.
               International  Statistical  Institute  (ISI)  -  60th  World  Statistics  Congress
               ISI2015. Recovered from:
            5.  Mantilla,  C.  (2017).  Spatial  Analysis  for  Common  Factors  in  Forced
               Migrations. Colombian Case.  International Statistical Institute (ISI)  - 61th
               World      Statistics    Congress      ISI2017.     Recovered      from:
            6.  Mantilla, C. & Angulo, J. (2017). Modelamiento de Datos Espaciales y Datos
               Espacio-Temporales:    An´alisis   Espacial   y   Espacio-Temporal    del
               Desplazamiento  Forzado  (Tesis  de  Maestr´ıa).  Universidad  de  Granada.
               Granada, Spain
            7.  Pebesma, E. (2012). Spacetime: Spatio-Temporal Data in R. Recovered from:
            8.  R  Core  Team  (2019).  R:  A  language  and  environment  for  statistical
               computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
            9.  Zhukov,  Y.  (2010).  Applied  Spatial  Statistics  in  R.  Recovered  from:

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