Page 199 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 199

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.
            3.  The Survey on Violence against Women 2015
                The  Survey  on  Violence  against  Women  2015  is  the  most  relevant
            statistical operation produced in Spain on violence against women. It has been
            conducted  every  four  years  since  1999.  Since  2011,  the  Government
            Delegation  for  Gender  Based  Violence  manages  it.  It  achieves  the  quality
            requirements introduced by the UN Statistics Committee (UN, 2014).
                The  questionnaire  has  been  improved  to  better  assess  the  violence
            suffered by women from their current or former partners, and a new battery
            of questions has been introduced in order to have, for the first time in Spain,
            data on the prevalence of non-partner physical and sexual violence against
            women. The reasons for the introduction of this battery were, on one hand,
            the  recommendations  of  international  organizations  such  as  the  United
            Nations, requesting the Member States to facilitate these data before the end
            of 2015, and, on the other hand, the need to comply with the provisions of the
            National Strategy for the Eradication of Violence against Women 2013-2016
            in terms of raising the visibility of other forms of violence against women in
            addition to intimate partner violence.
                The  Survey  on  Violence  against  Women  2015  was  conducted  in
            partnership with the Center for Sociological Research to a sample of 10,171
            women aged 16 or above, representative of the female population residing in
            Spain. The sample increased in more than 2,000 women with respect to the
            2011 survey and women aged 16 and above have been interviewed, face to
            face, instead of just women over 18 as was done in previous surveys.
                Following the international recommendations, 5 sets of questions were
            developed for the 5 different types of intimate partner violence, as shown in
            Table 1:

              Table 1: Items included in the questionnaire to detect the different types of IPV.
              Violence       Your partner*...
              Physical violence   1-  has ever slapped you or thrown something at you that could hurt you
                             2-  has ever pushed you or shoved you or pulled your hair
                             3-  has ever hit you with a fist or with anything else that could hurt you
                             4-  has ever kicked you, dragged you or beat you up
                             5-  has ever tried to choke or burn you on purpose
                             6-  has ever threatened to use or has actually used a gun, knife or other weapon
                                against you
              Sexual         1-  has ever forced you to have sexual intercourses** when you did not want to
              violence       2-  did you ever have sexual intercourses you did not want to because you were
                                afraid of what your partner could do if you refused
                             3-  has ever forced you to do something else sexual that you did not want or
                                that you found degrading or humiliating
                             4-  has  ever  attempted  to  force  you  into  sexual  intercourse  by  holding  you
                                down or hurting you in some way

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