Page 197 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 197

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.

                           Gender-based and intimate partner violence
                                     against women in Spain
              Rivera-Galicia, L.F. 1,3,4 , Gallo-Rivera, M.T.  2,3,4 , Mañas-Alcón, E.  2,3,4 , Montes-
                                           Pineda, O. 2,3,4
                            1 Department of Economics. University of Alcalá. Spain.
                       2 Department of Economics and Business. University of Alcalá. Spain.
                    3 Institute for Economic and Social Analysis (IAES). University of Alcalá. Spain
                       4 Chair of Corporate Social Responsibility. University of Alcalá. Spain.

            Gender-based  violence  (GBV)  is  one  of  the  most  severe  forms  of  Violence
            Against Women, especially when it is caused by an intimate partner. In 2013,
            the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that more than one in three
            women worldwide has experienced physical and/or sexual violence throughout
            life. Awareness of this problem by governments and international organizations
            has increased in recent years.
            This  paper  aims  to  analyse  the  prevalence  of  IPV  against  women  in  Spain
            during 2016. Based on data from the 2015 Spanish Macro survey of gender-
            based violence, which included 10,171 women aged 16 and over, we analyse
            five types of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): sexual, physical, psychological
            (controlling behaviours and emotional abuse) and economic violence. First, we
            describe the Spanish population as a framework to understand GBV in Spain.
            Second, we analyse the sample and we characterize those women who have
            suffered IPV. Third, we characterize the aggressors, based on the information
            provided by the victims. Finally, we provide the profiles of the women who
            have suffered from IPV as well as their aggressors. The key findings of this
            paper are striking: 13.2% of Spanish women aged 16 or more have suffered
            from GBV; only 2.7% have suffered sexual and/or physical violence, but 9.2%
            have felt fear or have been controlled. The perception about their own health
            is worse amongst women who have suffered from IPV.

            Gender-based violence; Intimate partner violence; Spain

            1.  Introduction
                Violence against women (VAW) is a violation of human rights, is rooted in
            gender  inequality,  is  a  public  health  problem,  and  an  impediment  to
            sustainable  development.  Intimate  partner  violence  is  one  of  the  most
            common forms of violence against women and includes physical, sexual and
            emotional abuse and controlling behaviors by an intimate partner. More than

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