Page 198 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 198

IPS131 Rivera-Galicia, L. F. et al.
                  1  in  3  (35%)  women  worldwide  have  experienced  physical  and/or  sexual
                  violence by an intimate partner (WHO, 2019).
                      The Spanish Government is aware of the social problems that are caused
                  by VAW  since the 1990s (Cepeda, 2018).  The 28th of December 2004, the
                  Government  approved  the  Organic  Law  1/2004  on  Integrated  Protection
                  Measures  against  Gender  Violence,  which  considers  this  type  of  violence
                  (directed against women for the fact of being women, this law is known as the
                  Integrated  Law  against  Gender  Violence)  as  the  most  brutal  symbol  of
                  inequality and one of the most flagrant attacks on fundamental rights such as
                  freedom, equality, life, safety and non-discrimination (GREVIO, 2019, pp. 85-

                  2.  The definition of Gender-Based Violence in Spain
                      The purpose of the Spanish Integrated Law against Gender Violence to
                  combat  the  violence  exercised  against  women  by  their  present  or  former
                  spouses or by men with whom they maintain or have maintained analogous
                  affective  relations,  with  or  without  cohabitation,  as  an  expression  of
                  discrimination, the situation of inequality and the power relations prevailing
                  between the sexes.
                      This  Law  establishes  integrated  protection  measures  whose  goal  is  to
                  prevent, punish and eradicate this violence and help its victims: women, their
                  minor  children  and  minors  under  their  guardianship,  care  or  custody.  The
                  gender violence to which this Law refers encompasses all acts of physical and
                  psychological  violence,  including  offences  against  sexual  liberty,  threats,
                  coercion and the arbitrary deprivation of liberty.

                    Figure 1: Definitions of VAW, Domestic Violence and GBV according to Spanish
                                              Integrated Law (2004).

                                  Source: Adapted from Mañas-Alcón et al. (2019).
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