Page 249 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 249

IPS152 Paul F.
            Functional category of debt securities issued by SPEs
                Let us come back to the above-mentioned second SPE type i.e. “Entities
            issuing  debt  securities  (other  than  securitization  vehicles)”.  Those  conduits
            raise capital by issuing debt securities and then channel the funds to other
            affiliates of the MNE. They issue debt securities on organized financial markets.
            They  also  issue  less  standard  products  including  so-called  “hybrid”
            instruments,  which  are  treated  as  debt  securities  in  Luxembourg .  Those
            securities may not be transferred outside the group without the consent of the
            company. As for the functional category and from a theoretical perceptive,
            debt  securities  issued  on  open  markets  are  definitely  Portfolio  Investment
            operations.  Under  certain  circumstances ,  less  liquid  debt  securities  might
            theoretically ex ante qualify as Direct Investment. Mainly for pragmatic reasons
            (compilation  purposes ),  in  Luxembourg  both  are  classified  as  Portfolio
            Investment.  In  a  similar  way,  securitisation  vehicles,  which  are  financial
            intermediaries (BPM6 § 4.77), issue debt securities on open markets. However,
            it can happen that, during a transitional period, securitisation makes use of
            intra-group financing , which, ex ante, also makes the line blurred between
            portfolio  and  direct  investment.  Again,  for  pragmatic  reasons,  the  BCL
            classifies the operation as Portfolio Investment even during the transitional
                In January 2019, the BCL sent a note to the IMF and suggested (research
            topic in External Sector Statistics) to remove Direct Investment from the list of
            functional  categories  associated  to  debt  securities  (BPM6  table  6.1,  which
            gives a link between instrument and functional category).

            5.  Conclusion:  SPEs  coverage  for  reduction  of  asymmetries  and  BEPS
                implementation statistics

            Reduction of asymmetries, data sharing and the Legal Entity Identifier
                The valuation and even the timing of SPEs equity transactions should be
            consistent  with  those  of  mirror  country,  which  usually  requires,  at  least  at
            European level, bilateral discussions. International organizations have recently

            8  Those instruments are debt securities for statistical purposes. They may be treated as equity
            in other jurisdictions for fiscal purposes.
            9  BPM6  §  6.28.  In  addition,  BPM6  §  6.56  details  how Portfolio  Investment  is  “not  limited to
            securities traded on organized or other financial markets.”
            10  Issuers are often not in a position to identify the holders of their debt securities. Thus the BCL
            uses the residual approach for PI liabilities (total liabilities net of resident holdings), which does
            not require the collection of counterpart country detail for debt securities issuances.
                The  general  rule,  in  the  securitisation  business,  is  that  securitised  assets  are  held  by  an
            undertaking different from that issuing the securities.
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