Page 250 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 250

IPS152 Paul F.
                  launched  several  such  coordination  initiatives,  in  which  the  BCL  actively
                  participates: the “FDI network” project and more broadly the documentation
                  (metadata) of large individual SPEs transactions (microdata), made available
                  to the ECB together with quarterly b.o.p./i.i.p. figures. Because of SPEs, micro
                  data play an increasing role in the production of macroeconomic statistics.
                      Those  data  sharing  operations  would  be  more efficient  if  legal  entities
                  were identified by an international standard, like ISIN (or CUSIP) for financial
                  instruments. In accordance with a 2017 European regulation, SPEs issuing debt
                  securities on open markets are now identified by a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
                  and  securities  issued  have  an  ISIN  code .  This  paves  the  way for a  better
                  international  standard  identification  of  SPEs.  Unfortunately,  non-market
                  oriented structures have had little incentives to register for a LEI so far. In
                  addition, the LEI will bring a “logistic” help but factors of asymmetries as such
                  will remain unchanged: coverage, timing of recording and overall valuation of
                  unlisted equities from an accounting standard to another.

                  BEPS implementation and SPEs typology
                      The  implementation  of  BEPS  in  Luxembourg  started  to  bring  about  a
                  reshaping of SPEs activities towards more “substance”, bringing about some
                  significant withdrawal of capital in 2017 and 2018. SPEs statistics collected by
                  the  IMF  will  also  help  to  monitor  this  process  at  international  level.  Yet,
                  business models are so complex and change so fast that some SNA 2008 and
                  BPM6  standards  (type  of  instrument  functional  category)  may  need  to  be
                  completed with more targeted classifications in the medium run.

                  1.  IMF BOP COM October 2018 Final Report of the Task Force on Special
                      Purpose Entities.
                  2.  BIS Proceedings of the ninth IFC Conference January 2019 "Are post-
                      crisis statistical initiatives completed?"

                    Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017
                  on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to
                  trading on a regulated market
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