Page 405 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 405

IPS173 Yuki U.
                         Chart 5 : Summary of the revisions in survey items
                             Before Revision      After Revision

                            Sales      (half   Sales            (half year)
                            Exports    (half   Exports          (half year)
                            Exchange         Exchange Rates
                 Annual     Rates for        (Yen/U.S. dollar)    (half year)
              Projections    Exports   year)    Exchange Rates              Enhanced
                            (Yen/U.S.        (Yen/Euro)         (half year)

                            Operating   (half   N/A
                            Profits    year)                                Abolished
                            Current    (half   Current Profits    (half year)
                            Profits    year)
                            Net        (half   Net Income       (half year)
                            Income     year)
                            Fixed      (half   Fixed Investment    (fiscal year)
                            Investment   year)
                            Land       (half   Land Purchasing   (fiscal year)
                            Purchasing  year)    Expenses                   Changed
                            Expenses                                        to fiscal-
                            Software   (half   Software Investment   (fiscal year)    figures
                            Investment   year)
                            N/A              R&D Investment    (fiscal year)
                Overseas                     Sales              (fiscal year)    Added

                Business                     Overseas Sales     (fiscal year)
              Activities                     Current Profits    (fiscal year)
              (consolidated   N/A
                figures)                     Fixed Investment    (fiscal year)    Added for
                                             Overseas Fixed     (fiscal year)    specific
                                             Investment                     enterprises

             Notes:   1.    Shaded areas indicate revised items.
                    2.   For R&D investment — which has been added from the March 2017 survey — half-year figures has
                been             surveyed            at              first,           as
                          with current investment-related items, and the change to fiscal-year figures will be applied along with these items in due course.
                Around  2020,  the  Bank  will  introduce  a  new  survey  category  called
            "Overseas Business Activities." Specifically, the Bank will conduct a quarterly
            survey on actual results and forecasts on a consolidated basis for the following
            five  items  —  sales,  overseas  sales,  current  profits,  fixed  investment,  and
            overseas fixed investment — publishing aggregated amounts for each figure
            as estimates of the population total.

            4  Based on our survey policy to improve the convenience for users as well as to reduce the
            burden on survey respondents to the greatest extent possible, the Bank will stop surveying
            operating  profits  and  half-year  figures  of  investment-related  items  along  with  the  above
            revisions in around 2020.
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