Page 406 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 406

IPS173 Yuki U.
                      Taking  into  account  ease  of  response  so  as  to  reduce  the  burden  on
                  respondents  to  the  greatest  extent  possible,  the  Tankan  basically  collects
                  accounting based figures. However, by doing so, there are technical limitations
                  in its coverage with regards to the treatment of non-controlling interests in
                  the consolidation process. Consolidated sales and investments do not reflect
                  the overseas business activities of associates accounted for using the equity
                  method. If a respondent owns less than 50% of shares in a non-controlling
                  interest of an overseas subsidiary’s equity, sales and investment amounts of
                  the  subsidiary  are  not  included  in  the  respondent’s  overseas  sales  and
                  investment  amounts  in  principle.  Regardless  of  these  limitations,  the
                  introduction of a  new survey  category allows the  Bank to more accurately
                  capture the impact of overseas activities on business activities of enterprises
                  in Japan.
                      “R&D investment  ” has been added as a new item in the survey items of
                  annual projections of the Tankan from the March 2017 Tankan survey. This
                  reflects  the  fact  that  Japanese  enterprises,  facing  intensifying  global
                  competition,  have  started  increasing  R&D  investment  in  order  to  enhance
                  their competitiveness in the medium to long term, with their domestic offices
                  taking on an increasingly significant role in R&D. Moreover, the addition of
                  R&D  investment  to  the Tankan’s  survey  items makes  publishing  figures  of
                  software and fixed investment excluding land purchasing expenses more in
                  line with the national accounts.
                      The survey of exchange rates will be enhanced in its coverage of sample
                  enterprises  and  survey  currencies from around 2020.  The  Tankan  currently
                  conducts a survey of average U.S. dollar-yen exchange rates for actual results
                  of exports and expected rates on which forecasts of exports are based. The
                  survey thus only collects exchange rates expected by exporting enterprises.
                  However,  with  increasing  outward  direct  investment,  direct  investment
                  income, along with increased imports, it has become increasingly important
                  for  the  business  activities  of  Japanese  enterprises,  including  mainly
                  nonmanufacturing  non-exporting  enterprises.  Collecting  the  survey  with
                  exchange  rates  for  all  enterprises  becomes  increasingly  important  to
                  accurately  reflect  expanding  overseas  business  activities.  Currencies  other
                  than  the  U.S.  dollar,  particularly  the  euro,  play  a  greater  role  over  direct
                  investment income, for instance. In light of these developments, the Bank will
                  take a survey on euroyen as well as U.S. dollar-yen exchange rates expected
                  by all sample enterprises excluding financial institutions and thus exchange
                  rates for overall businesses (not only exports but also imports, outward direct

                  5   Total  of  R&D  expenses  included  in  general  and  administrative  expenses  as  well  as  in
                  manufacturing expenses for the period.
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