Page 407 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 407

IPS173 Yuki U.
            investment, and direct investment income) will be answered by an expanded
            number of enterprises, including non-exporting enterprises.
                These  revisions  allow  the  Bank  to  more  accurately  capture  corporate
            behaviour  and  business  environment  surrounding  enterprises  in  Japan,
            enabling users of the Tankan to analyze the impact of expanding overseas
            business  activities  on  changes  in  domestic  business  activities  in  a  more
            accurate and timely manner.

            3.  Further improvements
                To reflect changes in the business trends of enterprises in a timely manner,
            the Bank considers further improvements to its survey framework in addition
            to  revisions  to  survey  items.  Currently,  in  order  to  conduct  the  survey  as
            frequently as practicable, the Bank uses a sample survey framework for the
            Tankan, extracting sample enterprises from the population. This is done by
            fixing a population at a certain point of time given the technical limitation that
            population data is only updated every 4 years (Chart 6), while selected sample
            enterprises based on the population are basically fixed for that period.
                However, the population data                        Chart 6 : Population size
                                                      number of enterprises in thousands
            changes over time from the time when  225
            fixing the population at a specific time,
            making  estimated  figures  based  on   220          Fixing population

            selected enterprises of the Tankan less   215
            representative  of  the  population.  In   210
            fact,  a  fairly  large  portion  of  the
            samples  change,  every  time  the  Bank   205
            updates population data and reselects   200
            samples about every 4 years.
                The  Bank  is  considering  in  the  near
            future,  conducting  sample  stratification  and  extracting  sample  enterprises
            more  frequently  than  the  current  4  yearly  basis.  This  is  in  line  with  the
            Government of Japan’s work on statistical revisions to more accurately reflect
            economic structures in a timely manner.

            6  For every survey, the Tankan collects responses from enterprises during about one month
            survey period, and releases results on the day after the end of the survey period.
            7  The Bank examines statistical accuracy regularly (once a year, in principle) and if necessary,
            adds  new  sample  enterprises,  to  prevent  the  lowering  of  statistical  accuracy  caused  by  a
            decrease in the number of sample enterprises due to bankruptcies, mergers, and other factors.
            The recent examination showed that the statistical accuracy after the December 2018 survey
            satisfied  the  criteria,  such  as  standard  error  ratio  of  sales  within  the  criteria  3%  or  less  for
            manufacturing and 5% or less for nonmanufacturing for each enterprise size. For details, see
            "Regular Examination of the Statistical Accuracy of the Tankan" (February 2019).
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