Page 289 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 289

STS544 Jonathan W. et al.
                (3)   =  + ,
               where  = [, ] =nx2n and  = ( ,  −1 ) = 2nx1 and, then, in transposed
               form for all t as

                (4)   =  + ,

               where  = [ , … ,  ] =nxT,  = [, … ,  ] = 2nxT, and  = [ , … ,  ] =nxT
                   Consider column vectorization rule      () = [ ]()  ,
               where, for the moment, A, B, and C denote any matrices conformable to the
               matrix multiplication , vec(◦) denotes the columnwise vectorization of a
               matrix (column one on top of column two, etc.) and  denotes the Kronecker
               product. Applying the rule to equation (4), gives

                (5)  ̅ = (1  X)γ + ̅,
               where  ̅ = ()=nTx1, = ( ) = 2n x1,  and ̅ = () =  nTx1.  The
               n-variable generalization of the pattern of  and  in 4-variable equation (2)
               implies that

                                                          ,  , 0, … ,0,  , …  ,
                (6)   = (0, … 0,  , … ,  ,  , 0, … 0,  21,  … ,  2, 31  32  31  3
                                         , … ,  ,−1 ,  , … ,  ) .
               Because zeros in  make corresponding columns of (  ) unnecessary,  we
               eliminate these unnecessary elements of  and columns of (  ) and write
               equation (7) as

                (7)  ̅ = ̅ + ̅,
               where  and ̅, respectively, denote     and   with  the  unnecessary
               columns and elements removed, so that ̅  = kx1, where k denotes the number
               of non-identically zero elements of .
                   Theil-Goldberger mixed-estimation imposition of equality restrictions on
               elements of ̅ goes as follows by adding pseudo data to the bottom of the
               data  matrix [̅  ].  In  exact  form,  parameter  equality  restrictions  may  be
               expressed as 0 = ̅, where  is a qxk matrix of 0, 1, and -1 elements and q
               denotes the number of restrictions on the k  elements of ̅, so  that q < k.
               According  to  the  mixed  estimation  strategy,  we  impose  restrictions  with  a
               chosen degree of looseness or tightness regulated by positive scalar  , such
               that a higher value of  indicates greater Bayesian tightness. Thus, we extend
               0 = ̅ to

                (8)  0 = ̅ + 

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