Page 290 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 290

STS544 Jonathan W. et al.
               where  is an error or pseudo error analogous to ̅. For example, if q = 1 and
                ̅ has  three  elements,  then, ̅ , ̅   ̅  are  restricted  by ̅ = ̅    =
               [1, 0, −1].
                      The Bayesian tightness restrictions work as follows in OLS. We append
               equation (8) to the bottom of equation (7) and obtain

                (9)   [ ] = [    ] ̅ + [ ],

               which in general is a (nT+q)x1 “mixed” regression equation with data matrix
               [      ],  coefficient  vector  ̅, and  real-and-pseudo-error  vector (̅ ,  ) .
               OLS  works  as  follows  with  differing  values  of  λ  .  OLS  sets  ̅  to ̅ ̈  so  as  to
               minimize the least squares measure of the overall residual vector, (̅ ̈ , ̂ ) , in
               particular, to maintain a minimum least squares balance of ̅ ≅ ̅ and 0 ≅
                λR̅. As λ increases, ̅ ̈  must be ever more directed toward maintaining 0 ≅ λR̅
               so that the coefficient restrictions are enforced ever more.
                   The  methodological  contribution  of  the  paper  is  that  its  method  of
               “stacking”  a  model  for  mixed-frequency  data  at  the  lowest  frequency
               immediately  generalizes  to  any  number  and  types  of  frequencies  of
               observation of data. In fact, there’s no need to distinguish among observation
               frequencies. All one needs to use the method is to write model (1)  (or an
               extension of it that includes more lags of variables) in stacked form in terms
               of  the  lowest  frequency  of  observation,  that  reflects  the  Granger-causal
               ordering of the variables induced by the order in which they are observed in
               each lower-frequency observation period.

               3.  Application to Forecasting Quarterly GDP at Monthly Intervals
                   This section discusses application of the above method to forecasting
               quarterly  GDP  at  monthly  intervals.  Model  (1)  is  defined  in  terms  of
               employment (EP), industrial production (IP), and GDP. EP and IP are observed
               monthly and GDP is observed quarterly. The model was estimated for these
               variables for 5 values of Bayesian tightness, λ = 0 (no tightness), 1, 10, 100, and
               1000. Observations on the variables from January 1996 to March 2017 were
               used and were obtained from the real-time database at the Federal Reserve
               Bank of  Philadelphia.  The variables are ordered in the model according to
               dates at which they are available publicly in each quarter. The data are used in
               standardized (minus sample means, divided by sample standard deviations)
               period-to-period percentage-change form. EP and IP are further denoted by
               their release months as EP1, EP2, EP3, IP1, IP2, and IP3. Thus, in the application,
               the stacked-form model contains 7 variables time-indexed in quarters, t.
                   Model (1) was sequentially estimated and used to forecast, as follows, The

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