Page 433 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 433

STS552 João Falcão Silva et al.
            to 61% and 5% respectively.  Graph1b shows that there are no unallocated
            amounts under the estimated method and that the share of household sector
            in  total  of  non-banks  represents  the  highest  estimated  increase  of  12.2%
            approximately (from reported 2.7% to estimated 14.9%) whereas the Non-
            financial corporations share increase 10.9% (from 15.6% to 26.5%). On the
            contrary, the government sector decreases from 1.1% reported share to 0.9%.
                We elect Portugal as a domestic country to estimate households’ cross
            border positions. We find that as of Q4 2018, 97.7% of deposit liabilities to
            non-banks ($12.9 billion) are reported with sector breakdown in to sector F
            ($2.6 billion, 20.4%) and sector P ($10 billion, 77.3%). In the total reported
            amount for  sector N, the share of  the unallocated amounts (sector  X plus
            sector K) correspond to 6.9%. In addition, 72.7% of deposit liabilities to sector
            P is available with subsector breakdown (Graph 1c) . In addition, H sector
            comprise nearly $6.9 billion, 53.6% of reported amount for sector P, sector C
            represents 18.8% and sector G has almost a null share. The estimated amounts
            show  that  Non-financial  corporations  share  (Graph  1d)  increases  by  1.6%
            (from 18.8% to 20.5%) and Households from a reported share of 53.6% to an
            estimated of 58.3%.
                Our results show that this estimation method appears consistent not only
            for counterparties in all countries but also for individual counterparty countries
            such as Portugal. The estimated shares/amounts for Portugal are expected to
            be close to the actual amounts because coverage of reporting is as high as
            93.1%  for  non-financial  sub-sectors.  However,  the  simple  proportional
            estimates  could  be  improved  by  estimating  sub-sectors  for  individual
            reporting countries and then using simple/weighted average of the estimated
            shares from the reported data to estimate the bilateral positions of countries
            that  do  not  report  these  subsectors.  Further  refinement  of  estimates
            backwards could be achieved using a 4 or 8 quarter moving average and also
            test the robustness of our estimation by comparing with reported data when

            5.  Discussion and Conclusion
                We  develop  this  methodological  framework  on  uses  of  reported  data,
            estimation of non-reported data and data gaps, aiming to provide users with
            more complete information. The detailed version of this work is in progress (at
            advanced stage) and will provide much more additional details that we could
            not include in this version for the conference due to limitation of length. It is
            needless to mention that the mirror data methodology we propose and have

               This unallocated share comes to 5.3% of total liabilities to non-banks (aggregate). As of Q4
            2018, while 43 countries report liabilities to sector N of Portugal, 28 countries report cross-
            border deposit liabilities to sector H and the share of unallocated non-bank is only 7% of non-
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