Page 283 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 283

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
            often in non-monetary form. The OECD studies (2018) point out that digital
            transactions are a key factor in identifying the digital economy. They can be
            defined by three dimensions: digitally ordered, platform enabled and digitally
                Using the methodologies mentioned above, the results below will firstly
            present the main problems and solutions in the digital economy, as shown in
            Table 1. After that, specific details on the comparison of classifications will be
            illustrated  to  bridge  the  gap  between  general  conceptual  framework  of
            satellite account and statistical practices.

            3.  Results
            3.1 Mismeasurement problems and solutions in digital satellite account
                As Table 1 shows, there are mainly 10 problems faced in the research of
            digital economy. This paper classified the common solutions and proposes
            suggestions for China’s Digital Economy Satellite Account in order to better
            measure the structure of China’s Digital Economy.

            Table 1: Main accounting issues and corresponding design ideas around the
              Main problems facing    Major solutions          Ideas of  China's  Digital
              digital                                          Economy

              The definition of concept
              economic accounting     -IMF: Based on the digital   Based on generalized digital
                                                               Satellite Account
              and accounting scope of   department             transactions   (including
              digital economy                                  exchange,   transfer   and
                                      -OECD: Based on digital   internal transactions)
              The distinction between   OECD: Category 6 Core Digital  5 core digital industries
              digital economy and other   Industry

              The   contribution   and   Splitting from existing   Build a satelliteaccount
              influence  of  the  digital   industries makes it difficult to   containing existing  industries
              economy to the traditional  characterize the parts that are  and coordinate the input-
              economy                 not coincident and deeply   output structure between
                                      integrated, and it is difficult to  industries and digital
                                      grasp the linkage of industry.   products

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