Page 285 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 285

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
            3.2 Comparison of digital industry and product classifications
            3.2.1  Industry  classification  of  digital  economy  satellite  account

            (1) Digitally enabled industrial sector
                The OECD defines the digital sector as the ICT industry in the fourth edition
            of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), which includes the
            ICT  manufacturing  industry,  the  ICT  trading  industry  and  the  ICT  service
            industry. This paper compares the ICT industry in international standards with
            China's National Economic Industry Classification (GB/T 4754-2017) and the
            ‘Three New’ Industry Statistics Classification (2018), and finds that in the ICT
            industry group of ISIC, In addition to the "2680 magnetic and optical media
            manufacturing", China's industry can correspond. At the same time, compared
            to ISIC, China's National Economic Industry Classification for "2640 Electronic
            Consumer Device Manufacturing", "4652 Electronics, Telecom Equipment and
            Parts  Wholesale",  "61  Telecom"  and  "631  Data  Processing,  Hosting  and
            Related  Activities;  Portals  The  classification  of  the  four  categories  of  ICT
            industries is more detailed.

            (2) Digital intermediary platform
                The  OECD's  research  defines  a  digital  intermediary  platform  as  a  unit
            within  the  SNA  production  boundary  that  facilitates  interactions  between
            multiple  individuals  or  business  users  and  collects  intermediary  fees.  The
            "Internet platform industry" (industry code 0502) in the "Three New" Industry
            Statistics Classification (2018) can meet the construction needs. There are five
            categories  of  “Internet  platform  industry”,  including:  “Internet  production
            platform” (05021), “Internet life service platform” (05022), “Internet technology
            innovation platform” (05023), “Internet public service platform” (05024) and
            "Other Internet Platforms" (05025).

            (3) Corporate entities and unincorporated households that rely on the
            intermediary platform
                In China's digital economy, the digital platform has reduced the barriers
            for SMEs to enter the market, making digital technology no longer limited to
            the way that traditional large enterprises generate income. Therefore, such
            industrial sectors should be listed as a type of digital industry in China's digital
            economy satellite accounts. At the same time, it is necessary to separately list
            the relevant household industry sectors. However, at present, domestic and
            foreign  methods  have  not  been  developed  to  accurately  identify  such
            enterprises.  This  is  because  the  proportion  of  enterprises  that  rely  on  the
            platform to create output can  only  rely on strong technical and economic
            assumptions, and this will bring many miscalculations in statistical accounting.

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