Page 284 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 284

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
                    Accounting   for   free   -Separate  measurement  of   Expand  SNA  production
                    digital  services  outside   relevant economic benefits   boundaries  and  include
                    the   SNA   production   -Separate accounting for SNA   free  services  in  digital
                    boundary               production                 products

                     Differentiating  between  - Tradition: B2B, B2C, P2P   Based  on  the  “three  new”
                     different   modes   of   -OECD:  Digital   Mediation   statistical  Internet  platform
                     platform  enterprises  in   Platform            (including production, living
                     the digital economy   -BEA: 8 mainstream platforms   services,   technological
                                                                     innovation,  life  services  and
                                                                     other platforms)

                     Differentiate   between  Further  division  of  industrial  Further  segmentation  of
                     different  types  of  digital  activity  units  on  the  basis  of   homogenous   products
                     services  in  the  same  institutional units    based  on  the  division  of
                     enterprise                                      industrial activity units

                     Identification   and  -OECD:ISIC,CPA,CPC        ‘Three   New’   statistical
                     classification  of  digital   -BEA:NAICS        classification,   strategic
                     products  in  the  digital                      emerging   industry   key
                     economy                                         product classification, digital

                     Data accounting  in  data  -  Measuring  the  value  of  a  Build   a   generalized
                     driven business model   single case             investment   matrix   that
                                           -cost   method,  market  law,  includes  data  investment
                                           income law                and  capital  stock  for  each

                    Estimation of the added   - Basic value-added scale plus  The  total  output  of  the
                    value  of  the  digital   the  contribution  rate  based  digital  product  obtained
                    economy    and   the   on  the  growth  accounting  from the transaction, based
                    traditional   industry   model                   on   the   input   ratio
                    integration (and the total   -BEA: Assumptions based on  assumption,  or  based  on
                    output and intermediate   the same ratio   of   digital  the  productivity  survey  to
                    input    from    the   to non-digital industry inputs   calculate   the   reversed
                    production perspective)                          intermediate     input,
                                                                     subtracting   the   added

                     Accounting for digital   There are no relevant   Refer  to  SEEA's  physical
                     ecological protection   research ideas yet.     volume   accounting   to
                                                                     consider  the  resources  and
                                                                     data  flows  of  the  digital

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