Page 282 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 282

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
                      China's  digital  economy  satellite  account  framework  combines  the
                  characteristics  of  the  above  two.  It  selects  key  departments  related  to  the
                  digital  economy  and  extends  the  production  boundary  of  the  central
                  framework  accordingly.  This  will  effectively  link  China's  digital  economy
                  satellite accounts with the traditional national economic classification, and can
                  highlight new industries and products in digital economy. In order to explain
                  the methods and techniques of digital economy satellite account more clearly,
                  we  compare  the  design  of  digital  economic  satellite  accounts  with
                  conventional  internal  satellite  accounts  and  external  satellite  accounts
                  respectively. Its main connection with internal satellite account is that both of
                  them require to identify the key activities based on the current classification.
                  Their  difference  is  that  digital  economy  satellite  account  also  requires  the
                  identification of non-digital products or industries other than digital ones. This
                  is because the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy
                  enables non-digital products to be traded through digital technology to have
                  the characteristics of digital economy. For example, although there are non-
                  digital products of e-retailers on large e-commerce platforms such as Taobao
                  and Jingdong in China, their use of the platform to deliver the transaction
                  order and payment makes it an important part of the digital economy.

                  2.2 The accounting mechanism of digital satellite account
                      Based on the above analysis, the mechanism for identifying key activities
                  in  China's  digital  economy  satellite  accounts  was  constructed.  Essentially,
                  digital economy is the digitization of the real economy, that is, using digital
                  technology and infrastructure to store information on production relations,
                  economic transactions, product supply and demand etc. in the real economy
                  in the form of binary bits. Therefore, the identification of key activities in the
                  digital economy encompasses identification of digital economic transactions
                  which includes three categories: the digitalization of voucher, the digitization
                  of  supply  and  demand  information,  and  the  digitization  of  content
                      First, the digitization of the voucher makes  the transaction relationship
                  between  economic  units  have  a  record.  At  this  time,  the  specific  digital
                  platform  records  the  order,  receipt,  invoice,  etc.  in  a  digital  form  which
                  broadens the credit mechanism of the transaction and makes people dare to
                  trade with more and more strangers, thus expanding the scale and scope of
                  related  transactions;  secondly,  the  digitization  of  supply  and  demand
                  information  reduces  the  friction  in  transactions  when  the  digital  platform
                  collects information from both parties and obtains certain data access rights,
                  or  it  may  proactively  provide  supply  and  demand  matching  and  matching
                  services, thereby reducing the information search cost of both the supply and
                  demand sides. Finally, the digitalization of the content information makes the
                  real world knowledge and other information digital and its transactions are

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