Page 286 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 286

STS587 Shujian X. et al.
                  (4) E-sellers
                      China  Digital Economy Satellite Account Framework can  refer to OECD
                  research as an electronic retailer (E-Talers) and an electronic distributor (E-
                  Vendors). The difference between the two  is that e-retailers sell traditional
                  retail  products  online,  while  electronic  distributors  produce  goods  and
                  services  and  transport/transport  them  electronically,  such  as  subscription-
                  based digital content.

                  (5) Other digital companies
                      In addition to the above-mentioned industries, China's digital economy
                  also includes other types of digital industries, such as a large number of so-
                  called "free" services. In other words, although the producers of these “free”
                  services do not receive explicit monetary income from their users, the services
                  they  provide  are  essentially  another  way  of  barter  transaction.  Therefore,
                  digital enterprises that do not use dominant currency transactions should also
                  be included.

                  3.2.2  Product  classification  of  digital  economy  satellite  account
                  (1)    Digital goods
                      For the identification of digital goods, the OECD proposes to use the ICT
                  cargo classification in the UN standard, Central Product Classification (CPC
                  2.1). The 52 ICT goods in CPC can be divided into four categories: computer
                  and peripheral equipment, communication equipment, electronic consumer
                  equipment, other ICT components and goods.
                      At  present,  the  National  Bureau  of  Statistics  of  China  released  the  "40
                  communication  equipment,  computers  and  other  electronic  equipment"
                  products in the Catalogue of Statistical Products in 2010, which can basically
                  cover the above four types of products, and the input and output survey in
                  China  in  2017.  The  corresponding  intermediate consumption  products can
                  also be found in the Catalogue of Material Consumption.

                  (2)    Paid digital services
                      For the identification of digital services, the OECD proposes to use the ICT
                  service representation in CPC 2.1 and separately calculate cloud computing
                  services and digital intermediary service products. The 46 ICT services in CPC
                  2.1 can be divided into six categories, including: ICT equipment manufacturing
                  services,  commercial  and  productivity  software  and  its  licensing  services,
                  information technology consulting and services, telecommunications services,
                  leasing or leasing of ICT equipment, and other ICTs. service.Comparing China's
                  product classification with UN international standards, it is found that except
                  for  China's  "Catalogue  Catalogue  for  Statistical  Products",  "38  Charges  for
                  Production  Services  and  Repairs"  can  correspond  to  "ICT  Equipment

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